Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

The next morning I got out of bed early, I would say that I woke up early but I would've had to have been to sleep to say that, the house was empty and I had hoped that nobody would be around so I could avoid any kind of conversation especially of someone had heard the argument between me and Freddie the night before. I had stayed awake most the night in the hope of hearing Freddie arrive home but he never arrived home so I never had my chance to explain. Did I really need to explain though? He was the one who had been blackmailing Browning and I was the one that got attacked because of him. And I had bigger things to worry about anyway as I needed to go and see my Dad to find out about my brother but that meant that I needed to hold up my part of the deal first.

I got ready for sixth form quickly and quietly in the hope of avoiding waking anyone waking up. I was in the kitchen finishing my coffee and writing a note to explain that Freddie had gone out and had given me the message that he would see them at the garage when Lindsey appeared in the doorway. She had a look that told me that she had heard absolutely everything.

"Are you going to tell me what happened last night?" She asked me and I didn't know whether to trust her with everything or not.

"What do you mean?" I started rummaging through my bag pretending to look for something.

"I heard you arguing Minnie and I know that Freddie stayed out all night, so are you going to tell me or do I have to ask him?" She moved the bag away from my hands so I had to meet her gaze.

"It was nothing, I asked him whether he was the one blackmailing Browning and he wouldn't answer me and chose to walk out." I skipped the part about Robbie.

"It didn't sound like nothing. You do realise that he wouldn't do anything to hurt anyone intentionally so you shouldn't be so hard on him." She defended him and I suddenly felt bad.

"Well I've got to go to sixth form." I grabbed my bag from where she had moved it to.

"At six in the morning?" She sounded sceptical.

"Yeah I have a morning revision session with Mr McQueen." I lied and then walked out of the door before she could question me anymore.

I hated lying to people but I needed to get my head straight before I could actually talk to Robbie about what happened or apologise to Freddie for having a go at him about what happened with Browning. Was I in the wrong or was he?


When I arrived a sixth form I sat on the bench outside and started on an essay that needed to be completed the next day so I saw it as something productive to do instead of torturing myself over what had happened.

"Oh how the mighty have fallen." I heard someone say from near me and I lifted my head to find Phoebe approaching me.

"What do you want Phoebe?" I asked her with bitterness in my voice.

"I was passing by and saw you sat here on your own. How's life with the Roscoes?" She sat down across from me with a smug grin on her face.

"Great thanks." I told her through gritted teeth.

"Why the long face then?" She was winding me up and she knew it.

"Period pains." I said the first thing that came to my mind and it reminded me of Freddie's lie yesterday.

"Look I'm not here to gloat but just remember that George did warn you about Robbie."

"Don't worry about me I can handle myself." I muttered to myself and then turned my attention back to the essay that I had started before she turned up.

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