Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

"What exactly do you remember from last night?" Freddie asked me whilst sliding me a glass of water and some painkillers.

It was less awkward now that he had explained that nothing had actually happened and the fact that we were in bed together was actually just an innocent misunderstanding.

I took the painkillers and hoped that it would help the throbbing in my head.

"I remember being with Robbie at the club." I told him and he nodded his head as if I had just got an answer right.


I remembered being in the club with Robbie and him ordering us a drink each from the bartender who served him without even thinking about checking his ID, I had no idea how he got away with it because he had a baby face that made him look about twelve.

Afterwards we had danced to a few songs before I was dying for another drink so I left Robbie and went to the bar to grab a drink. However at the bar there was some lecherous guy who got a bit handsy.

"Hey baby do you want a drink?" The guy slurred at me and I rolled my eyes and carried on trying to get the attention of the bartender.

"Don't pretend you don't want me. You're dressed like a slut and you're drinking by yourself, it just tells me how desperate you are we can work out some kind of arrangement." He was close to me but I tried to ignore him until he put his hands on my waist.

"I'm here with my boyfriend actually." I informed and I hoped that by some kind of luck that Robbie might suddenly appear.

"Bullshit. If you were here with your boyfriend then you wouldn't be stood here by yourself."

The bartender approached us but before I could order myself a drink the guy beat me to it.

"Two more beers please." He threw the guy a note and then turned his attention back to me, "So what were you saying about that imaginary boyfriend of yours?"

"I left him so I could get a drink, not that it has anything to do with you." I answered him back and he smiled at me.

"I like them feisty." I rolled my eyes and turned back to the bar to find a drink in front of me. "Take it as a peace offering and make sure that your boyfriend doesn't leave you alone again." He nodded his head towards the drink and then left me stood there confused.


"And after that I don't really remember much." I told Freddie after explaining the guy at the bar buying me a drink.

"What did Ziggy tell you about not leaving Robbie or drinking something you don't know where it's from?" He put his head on his hands, "I guess it explains a lot." He muttered to himself.

"What do you mean?" I asked him and he let out a little laugh.

"It explains why you were out of your face when I got to the club." He must've seen my face as he then continued, "Let me explain."

Freddie then went on to explain everything that had happened when I was out of it. Apparently he had turned up to the club when neither me or Robbie, who he still hadn't found, had not come home by our curfew. I was apparently at the bar ordering myself another drink but Browning was trying to get me out of the club because he didn't want bad press for serving minors, Freddie of course had jumped to the wrong conclusion and was about to hit Browning again until I threw myself on him and asked him whether he wanted to dance and then apparently began grinding against him (I think he was exaggerating that part). Browning then told him to get me out of the place while he looked for the person who was drugging drinks.

"So then you took me home?" I asked him to make sure.

"Yeah not before you practically woke up the whole of Hollyoaks by declaring your love for some guy called Dave Franco at the top of your voice in the middle of the village." He informed and I could hear the laughter in his voice.

I groaned and put my head in my hands, "Did I do anything else?"

"Well Lindsey and Joe weren't to happy when you walked into their room at three in the morning." He told me and he looked as if he was trying to picture their faces.

"Oh God." I hit my head on the table and I heard laughter behind me.

"I'll explain this one." Lindsey told Freddie with a smile on her face, "You walked into our room with the toaster in your hands and then woke me up to ask if you could borrow my scrubs."

I looked at her confused, why the hell would I do that?

"You told me that you wanted to borrow my scrubs so you could pretend that Freddie was Dave Franco for the night." She told me through laughing and I could see Freddie who was also in hysterics. "I told you know and then you told me that you would just use your imagination and pulled Freddie out of the room with you."

"I didn't. Did I?" I asked Freddie who was looking smug.

"No don't worry about it. You got out of the room and threw up all over your clothes and then passed out." Well that explained why I woke up in my underwear. "I let you stay in my bed because I wanted to make sure that you didn't choke on your own sick."

"I'm never drinking again." I told them both and they laughed.

"If you listened to me them none of this would've happened." Ziggy said as he walked into the kitchen. I glared at him in return but it caused my head to hurt.

We then heard the front door close and Robbie appeared in the doorway looking worse than me. He walked into the kitchen and grabbed himself some water and painkillers before going to lie down on the sofa.

"You best have a good explanation." Freddie warned him and I had a funny feeling that this wasn't going to end well.

"Yeah I crashed at a friends house." He must've thought that Freddie was talking about not getting home last night but I knew that he was talking about leaving me.

"Minnie got home okay. You know after getting drugged but you don't care at all, do you?" Freddie shouted at him and I winced at the loudness.

I noticed Robbie's eyes shoot open and look at me, "I'm sorry Min, I thought you had gone home because I couldn't find you anywhere."

He looked like he was being genuine so any anger at him disappeared, "That's okay."

Freddie looked at me shocked before pulling me out of the room and into the hallway.

"Ouch Fred that hurt." I rubbed my arm where he had grabbed me.

"You forgave him?" He shouted at me and I realised that he was really pissed at me.

"He thought I went home?" I offered my explanation for forgiveness.

"Open your eyes Minnie, how stupid can you be?" He carried on shouting at me, "What would've happened if I hadn't turned up and that guy who drugged you was waiting for you to get out of the club?"

"It's not Robbie's fault that I drank that drink." I shouted back at him and immediately regretted it because of the pain that shot through my head.

"No but he left you because he had a better offer and now you're just letting him give you some shitty excuse that he thought you left. When are you going to stop defending him?"

"Look Freddie I can't deal with you right now. Who I choose to forgive or not forgive is none of your business." I stormed upstairs and went to Ziggy's bed, slamming the door behind me to make my point clear.


I woke up hours later to my phone ringing near me, I reached out and answered it without even looking at the caller ID.

"Hello?" I asked and tried to wake myself some more.

"Have a fun night last night?" I heard Jim ask me down the phone and I groaned thinking that I was about to get another lecture.

"Yeah, sorry about that." I apologised and hoped it was enough.

"Just make sure you don't make a habit of it." I let out a sigh of relief.

"So what does Warren want me to do now?" I asked him because I guessed there was a reason that he had called.

"Nothing." He answered me.

"Did you just ring me to hear the sound of my voice?" I joked and I heard him laugh.

"No I rang you to tell you that I've found that Joel boy."

He'd found Joel! My Brother!

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