Chapter 1

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"YOU DID THIS!!!" I cried, pointing a finger in Pearl's face. I felt hot tears streaming down my face, and I couldn't hold them back. I noticed the little red-headed girl in the back whimpered and hid behind Garnet's leg. "You think I did this?! Why the hell would I go out of my way to get rid of Lapis?!" "There are a lot of fucking reasons, Pearl!!!" I shouted, balling my fists.

"NOW WHERE IS SHE?!" I cried again, two inches away from Pearl's face. "I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING WITH HER, PERIDOT!!! NOW GET OUT OF MY FACE BEFORE I KNOCK YOU THE HELL OUT!!!" Pearl spat, taking a step forward, and I took a step back. Garnet put a hand on my shoulder. "She didn't take any part in getting rid of Lapis, Peridot. Now let's just calm down..." she said in a calm voice, and I crossed my arms and huffed.

Lapis has been missing for a whole week now. We've been searching every corner, looking for her, but we haven't found her. "Lapis could be dead right now, guys! You're acting like it's no big deal!" I shouted, more hot tears rushing down my face. "We know this is important, Peridot. I would never do anything to hurt or endanger Lapis." Pearl said calmly.

"WHAT ABOUT THE OTHER DAY, HUH?! SHE ALMOST GOT KILLED BECAUSE OF YOU!!!" I hollered in her face. "G-guys please don't fight..." Steven muttered, and his eyes were shiny with tears. I shoved Pearl, and the next thing I knew, a fist connected with my face, and all I saw was black.

3 weeks earlier...

"What the fresh hell is this?" Lapis muttered in a disturbed tone of voice. I looked over to her from where I was working on a project, and saw a large alien mask sitting in her hands. "Hey! That looks cool! Maybe we could put a use to that!" I claimed enthusiastically, dropping my screwdriver and running up to the bluenette.

"!" Lapis asked, clearly confused. I ran into the barn for a moment without replying. Searching through boxes and random piles, I eventually dug out a large pair of antlers we randomly found a few days ago out in the fields. I ran back out of the barn, and held them up to Lapis. "We could attach these to it and hang it on our barn entrance! It's perfect!" I stated, smiling at her.

Lapis just stared at me for a long moment with a puzzled expression on her face. "Out of all the weird shit we've built and created at this barn, this is by far the trippiest..." she finally said, handing me the alien mask. "Why thank you!" I said, pridefully. "This barn has really brought out the artsy dork side of you..." she said with a snort. I smiled widely and skipped back to my spot, quickly getting to work.

Lapis and I have been living at the barn for about two weeks now, and we've actually made a lot of progress renovation-wise. The Crystal Gems haven't visited us since we've first moved here, and I was eager to show them around, but Lapis wasn't exactly jumping at the idea of seeing them again - Steven being an exception. The barn is pretty isolated and quiet, and it's actually really nice compared to the hustle and bustle of the treacherous streets in Beach City.

We still don't believe that all of the gang members of the Diamond Authorities are dead, so we agreed that this was probably the safest place to stay for the time being. Anyways, we've added cool artsy sculptures and projects we like to call 'Meep Morps' around, and we've also fixed up the ratty old place quite a bit.

It was pretty quiet for the next 15 minutes or so, and something was really on my mind. "Say Lapis?" "Hm." "Do you think Yellow Diamond and her gang are still alive? Do you think she'll ever find us?" I asked, looking at her. She stopped banging on some piece of metal for a moment, and looked at me with an unreadable expression on her face.

"I try not to think about it too much...all we could do is hope for the best..." she muttered, staring down at the ground, her expression looking more feared than anything else. Her sudden mood change worried me, so I decided to change the subject. I make sure to never upset her too much because she was diagnosed with severe PTSD. She's been through a shit ton of horrible things and I try not to remind her of it.

I then spotted Lapis's brother Steven and his other gang members Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl heading our way. I called Lapis's name to get her attention and she looked up, brightening as she spotted Steven. However, her expression quickly darkened as she saw the others behind the boy. "Ugh" she groaned, rolling her eyes and standing up. "It's okay, Laz. Just please give 'em a chance. For me?" I pleaded, giving her puppy dog eyes.

She stared at me with a look of indifference for a long time, before she finally huffed and mumbled an annoyed 'fine'. "Hi Lapis! Hi Peridot!" Steven shouted, waving maniacally. Lapis put on a fake smile as Steven attacked her with a tight hug. "I missed you guys so much!" the boy said, his voice muffled into Lapis's shirt. "Oh honestly, it's only been a couple of weeks," Pearl muttered, rolling her eyes. Lapis then gave her a dirty look, and I suddenly felt the tension between them rise to a boil.

Everyone apart of the Crystal Gems seemed pretty accepting to us...except for Pearl. I haven't really cared about what the chick thinks about me, but I think Lapis might be a different story. "No one asked for you to come by, buzzkill." Lapis spat, giving Pearl a nasty glare. "Stop being so aggressive, blue." she said, crossing her arms. "DON'TCALLMEBLUE."

"No one asked for you to hit me over the head with a baseball bat, but you did anyway." Pearl said, walking over to the barn and studying it. "No one asked you to kill mom." Lapis said in a cold tone. Pearl gasped, and the air was filled with a painfully awkward silence. That escalated quickly. Pearl took a step forward, and so did Lapis. Garnet then stepped forward and pushed the two girls away from each other.

"Lapis, if you're gonna be apart of this gang, you're gonna have to get along with us and deal with it. Got it?" the tall girl commanded, adjusting her sunglasses. "...and nice." she said, nudging Pearl. Lapis crossed her arms and looked at the ground, and I noticed Pearl had a smirk on her face. "WHOA! WHAT'S THIS STUFF?!" I heard Steven shout from inside the barn.

He was pointing to our Meep Morps. "Oh! I'll tell you!" I said, raising a finger proudly. I put a hand on Lapis's shoulder and gave her a reassuring look. She gave me a sad smile, and walked along with me to the barn.



We Don't Have a Choice (Killing Me Slowly Sequel) Lapidot AUWhere stories live. Discover now