Chapter 3

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What was taking Lapis so long?! She had been gone for three and a half hours now, and it normally takes her 30 minutes at most to complete a delivery. I started to panic, and I decided to call her to make sure she was okay. I stood there in the kitchen holding my phone up to my ear, waiting impatiently as it kept ringing. "I'm sorry. But the person you are attempting to reach is unavailable at this time. At the tone, please leave a message." A monotone voice told me through the phone, and I stomped my foot, cursing to myself.

Beeep. "Hey Lapis, uh, it's Peridot. I was just wondering if you were okay...a-and you've been gone for a long time and I'm getting worried. Please call me back. Bye." I then hung up, and stuffed my phone in my pocket. I grabbed my gun and pocket knife, and began walking down the dirt path on my way into Beach City.


I arrived at the Crystal Gems' house about 15 minutes later, and I walked up the steps. I knocked on the door, and waited a few moments. The door opened, and there stood Garnet at the doorway, looking at me with an unreadable expression. "Steven, Patricia is here." Garnet called, looking in the other direction. "It's Peridot." I deadpanned, but she just waved it off as Steven ran to the door. "Oh hey Peridot!" he greeted happily, pulling me into the house quickly.

"What's up?" he asked while pulling sandwich ingredients out from the fridge. "Well, Pearl assigned Lapis a mission to go make a delivery, a-and she's been gone a really long time and I'm worried something happened to her." Steven's happy expression turned into a concerned one. "Did you try calling her?" he asked. "Yeah, she didn't answer..." I muttered, pulling my phone out of my pocket to check for any missed calls or texts - nothing.

I sighed and put my head down on the counter and groaned. "Don't worry, Peridot. We'll do something about this. Pearl! Amethyst! We have an emergency!" Steven shouted to the hallways, because Garnet was already sitting on the couch near us. First Pearl strutted in from her room, and she raised an eyebrow when she spotted me. Then outcame Amethyst from her room running full-speed into Pearl. "AHHH!! AMETHYST PLEASE!!" Pearl squawked, now sitting on the floor. Amethyst was sitting on the floor with her, giggling.

"Lapis has been gone for an unusually long time and we're getting worried. Has she called or texted either of you guys?" Steven asks the two girls. Amethyst seemed to have cringed at the mention of Lapis for some reason. "Naw dude. Sorry..." she muttered with a shrug. "No...I'm sure she's fine. She claimed that she can handle herself, and I believe her." Pearl stated smugly, sticking her nose in the air. "Or you just don't care." I deadpanned, glaring at her.

"Of course I care, Peridot. She is one of us now, and I must treat her with respect." she protested, crossing her arms. " didn't assign Lapis one of the most dangerous deliveries that we as a group were planning on doing, did you?" Garnet asked, adjusting her glasses. "What? No! I mean...I might wouldn't be my fault if I did though...b-because it was completely unintentional, I assure you!" Pearl shouted with shifty eyes.

Just as I was about to yell at Pearl, the front door slammed open, and there stood Lapis. "LAPIS THERE YOU ARE!! ARE YOU OKAY?!" I shouted running to her. She had a black eye, a big purplish blue bruise on her cheek, gashes in her collarbone area, a bloody lip, and her nose seemed to be bleeding too. "What happened?!" I asked, but she stayed silent and walked past me, staring straight at - uh oh.

Her walking soon became faster and eventually became furious stomping as she stormed over to Pearl with pure rage in her bloodshot eyes. "YOU!!!" she growled, pointing in Pearl's face. "What did I do?" Pearl raised an eyebrow, and pushed on Lapis's shoulder, backing her up. Lapis froze, and looked down at her own shoulder for a moment, then back up at Pearl with wide eyes.

Lapis then growled and swung her fist with all of her might, earning a gasp from all of us. The impact of Lapis's bruised knuckles connecting with Pearl's face echoed the living room, and the punch sent Pearl spiraling backwards. She fell back onto her bottom and held her cheek. "YOU TRIED TO KILL ME!!! YOU KNEW THEY WERE GONNA TRY AND KILL ME!!!" Lapis shouted, pointing at Pearl.

"Pearl, you gave her that mission?" Garnet asked with surprise in her voice. "We agreed that we'd do that one altogether as a group." she claimed, looking down at Pearl. "What happened?!" I asked again, standing by Lapis's side. "I went to the location Pearl had told me to go, and like 5 Rubies jumped me and tried slitting my fucking throat!!" Lapis shouted, her hands trembling. "Where are they now?" Pearl asked nervously. "Dead." Lapis spat, balling her fists.

"Y-you killed them all?!" Steven asked in a shaky voice. Lapis didn't even look at the boy, and she reached into her leather jacket for something. She pulled out three bags of weed and another bag of some kind of pills. "Here's your shit." she said, throwing them at Pearl. "Also. Take these." Lapis opened Pearl's hand and dropped what I assumed were some of the Rubies' teeth into it. Pearl gawked and her eye twitched at the sight.

The bluenette then took my hand and we walked out the front door. I looked back one more time at the Crystal Gems - Amethyst continued to sit on the floor, stuffing popcorn in her face, and Pearl remained on the floor as well. Garnet just stood there with her arms crossed, not taking her eyes off of Lapis.


"Ow!" "Lapis, you have to let me clean it!" I nagged, trying to clean her cuts with cotton balls. We were sitting in our room in the barn upstairs. Lapis continued groaning and squirming as I tried to dab the gashes with the alcohol-covered cotton ball. "Lapis!" I shouted, trying to hold her down and cleanse the cuts. "You leave me no choice." I stated, standing up, and pressing my foot against her chest, pushing her down on the ground.

I then sat on her stomach, straddling her, and she let out another groan. I noticed she was blushing hard as I slightly rocked back and forth trying to keep her still. "Lapis this'll be so much easier if you just stay still." I muttered. "Actually, I could get used to this..." she purred, and I stopped dabbing her cuts for a moment. "LAPIS!!" I growled, clearly flustered as she giggled.

"I don't know why you didn't let me just come with you on the mission." I said, going back to cleaning. "I'm sorry, I didn't know Pearl was gonna set me up like that. I should've known that salty bitch was gonna pull something like this..." Lapis explained. "I mean...maybe she didn't intend to almost get you killed in a normal delivery mission...maybe it was just a mistake." I suggested. "No...I know she hates me. She wants me dead. This was the perfect way for it to happen." she mumbled, and she even sounded kind of hurt.

"I'm sure Pearl doesn't hate you, Laz. She might be going through something similar to you. She might be having a hard time adjusting to us being on their side now. You never know..." I explained. Lapis said nothing, and I finally finished up. I got up off of her, and let her stand back up. "There you go. Just don't mess with them, okay?" I told her, smiling nervously.

"Thanks, Peri." she said, giving me a half smile and kissing me. She kissed my neck all around and I giggled, wrapping my arms around her neck. I fell backwards onto the bed and laughed more as she continued to leave kisses. "I love you." she whispered, looking down at me. "I love you too."

We Don't Have a Choice (Killing Me Slowly Sequel) Lapidot AUWhere stories live. Discover now