Chapter 2

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I woke up to to the bright sunlight pouring in through the barn entrance. I blocked my eyes with my arm and sat up in bed. Lapis was still sound asleep next to me, and I checked the time on my phone - 9:34 AM. Just as I was about to hop out of bed, I felt two arms wrap around my waist and pull me back into bed. "WAHH!!!" I wailed as Lapis started laughing.

I turned around so I could face her and placed a kiss on her forehead. "How'd you sleep?" I asked. "Eh..." she muttered, looking to the side. "You okay?" I asked. "Yeah..." she mumbled and remained in a lazy position. "I'm gonna go make some coffee, 'k?" I said, slowly sliding out of her arms. She let out a lazy grunt in response and rolled over, probably going back to sleep.


I sat on an old chair and sipped my coffee, scrolling through Tumblr. Lapis then came into view, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. "Morning, lazy ass..." I joked, earning a scoff from the bluenette. As she poured herself a cup of coffee from the nearby pot, she looked me up and down and raised an eyebrow.

"Not that I'm complaining...but how did you sleep in just that last night? It was freezing..." she said, sipping the coffee she now had in her hands. I looked down - I was wearing just a bra and boxers. I looked at her and gave her a once-over as well. "I could ask you the same question, smart one." I said, smirking. She was just wearing her 'DICK SQUAD' t-shirt and no pants.

"Hey! I have justification! I have piles of blankets that you never wanna use." She claimed, taking another sip. I scoffed and rolled my eyes playfully, looking back down at my phone. My phone then vibrated and I clicked on the notification that popped up on the top of the screen - it was a text from Pearl. "Ugh...Pearl's coming by to assign us our first missions..." I muttered, after reading the message.

Lapis leaned over the counter with a loud groan like a child. Her t-shirt rode up and her black panties were exposed. I took this opportunity and raised my hand up, smirking. I then swung it down and smacked her ass with a loud clap noise. "AGH!!" she yelped, clearly startled. I laughed for about 5 minutes straight and she just sat on the counter, flustered and staring back at me. "Lighten up, will ya? I'm sure Pearl won't cause any problems this time, okay?" I said after catching my breath from laughing.

She looked to the side with a depressed expression and didn't respond. "Hey...what's going on?" I asked, putting my hands on her hips gently. "Something is seriously wrong with me..." she said. I tilted my head in concern and motioned for her to elaborate. "I'm never gonna adjust to this place..." she mumbled, tears filling her eyes. " one said there's a rush..." I said, trying to lighten the mood.

"The mood isn't the same...I still don't feel safe...I miss my HQ...I can't get along with Pearl...I can hardly tolerate the presence of the other Crystal Gems besides Steven...I'm just...broken. I'm horrible at dealing with change...I thought I was so ready to live here...but it's not okay..." she explained, avoiding eye contact with me the whole time. "I'm may feel this way now...but sooner than later you'll get used to life here...and I'll be right here for you..." I reassured her, putting a hand on her shoulder.

She gave me a forced sad smile, and I leaned in and gave her a kiss. "I'm gonna get dressed, okay? If you don't want any shit from Pearl either, I recommend you get dressed too..." I suggested with a chuckle. "Pearl can sue me for all the money I got - I ain't moving." the bluenette deadpanned, laying across the counter like some cat. I looked her over one more time before tearing my gaze away and laughing.


I came back to the kitchen and noticed that Pearl was already there. "Where are your pants, Lapis?" "Up your butt." "Ugh, you're so childish..." "Better than being a prissy bi--" "HEY GUYS!" I piped up, walking into the room nonchalantly. Lapis was still sprawled across the counter with a cigarette in between her lips. "Hello, Peridot. Remind me why Lapis is apart of this gang?" she sarcastically commented, jerking her thumb in the direction of my girlfriend.

"One, I had no where else to go and I was forced into this hell-hole. And two, I am more dangerous and skilled than all of your gang members combined, so you need me." Lapis ranted in a sarcastic tone, smiling afterward. Pearl rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. "I find it hard to believe when you lay here on your counter wearing just an oversized t-shirt with such a vulgar choice of words." Pearl said, raising an eyebrow.

"You're just jealous 'cause you can't pull off this shirt like I can~" Lapis purred, kicking her leg up like a ballerina. I snickered, but immediately looked away when Pearl shot a glance in my direction. "Well...if you're so strong, then maybe you can pull off this mission solo-style..." Pearl purred in a devious tone, and I didn't like where this was going at all.

Lapis sat up, looking suddenly interested. "Bring it..." she said, smirking. "I need you to meet someone for me down on Main Street to pick up a delivery..." Pearl explained. "Make sure to check the alleyway right behind that street, and you'll find them. Tell them I sent you...and you're home free..." she said, folding her hands together.

"Psh, easy sleezy. I'll be back, Peridot. Love you," Lapis said, kissing my cheek. "A-are you sure I shouldn't go with you?" I asked timidly. "I'll be fine, babe. It's just a delivery pickup. I'll be in and out." she assured, and blew a puff of smoke in Pearl's face, before leaving to go get dressed. After she was gone, Pearl gave me a terrifying look as she put her hands behind her back, swiftly walking away.

I shuddered, taking a sip of my now ice cold coffee.

We Don't Have a Choice (Killing Me Slowly Sequel) Lapidot AUWhere stories live. Discover now