Chapter 25

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"PLEEEEAAASEEE!!!!" I cried, feeling extremely pathetic for begging so badly, but I really did not want to die at the hands of someone I loved so much. Just as I was about to cry out again, I felt a hard slap across my face, and my head jerked to the side in response. I then turned my head to look at her in shock. It felt extremely similar to that time when she slapped me for getting myself arrested. I felt my hands grip the arms of the chair, and not only did my cheek sting, but my feelings as well. I was now completely silent, feeling Lapis's cold stare pierce through my soul.

"That's for shoving me back at the beach house." she then deadpanned, and I scoffed loudly, taken aback. "Wh-what?!" I asked, baffled. She then pursed her lips for a moment, failing to hold in her laugh, resulting in a snort escaping. She let out a giggle and then started full on laughing her ass off. I was extremely confused, blinking a few times. Is she going insane? Is she okay? Is there something I'm not getting here? "Wh-Lapis that was over a month ago! You accused me of cheating on you!" I yelled, my voice cracking a little.

Soon after, Lapis's smile faded, and she gave me a cold stare once again. I shrunk back and looked down, huffing. "Okay okay, sorry... just... hurt is all..." I muttered, refusing to let any tears escape my eyes. "I loved you more than anything... " Lapis then suddenly said, and I looked back up at her. "...and I guess I was just terrified of being hurt again...that's kinda why I didn't wanna fall in love with you in the first place, heh..." she said, looking down at the floor the whole time she spoke. I looked down, feeling ashamed for something I didn't even do... she really jerks at my heart strings when she wants to.

Lapis then stared at me for a moment, then kneeled down, now at my level. "But I did anyways... and I thought about it for a while and realized that you would never do something like cheat on me... and I'm sorry for overreacting. As for Pearl and the rest...I would never in a million years kill any of them. I just shot for intimidation purposes. That's why I'm gonna get you outta here, okay?" she said, looking up at me slightly with an apologetic look. I let out a sigh of relief, and closed my eyes, chuckling a little.

"Peridot..." her tone of voice suddenly changed a little, and I opened my eyes once again. "I...had no idea that was you under that mask...I'm so sorry for hurting you... God I hate myself for this." she said in a pained tone of voice as she traced her fingers over the bruises and scratches she left on me. "It's... okay... they really weren't kidding when they said you were a force to be reckoned with, heh." I said, giving her a weak smile. Lapis forced a smile on her face, but I knew she felt absolutely terrible for it. "You smell like smoke and alcohol... like strong. And... your eyes are bloodshot...are those bags under your eyes?" she asked, putting a hand on my cheek gently. I quickly avoided eye contact, and pursed my lips.

"I... didn't get much sleep while you were gone... and I found my own coping mechanisms..." I said quietly. Lapis then stood up and started untying my arms and legs from the chair. After she finished, I stood up and rubbed my wrists, and kicked my feet a bit. Lapis then stepped forward and wrapped her arms around my back, hugging me tightly as though her life depended on it. I slowly hugged back, placed my hands on the small of her back and stroked gently. I then heard a sniffle, and that's when I realized she had started crying.

I hugged her tighter, resting my chin on her shoulder, feeling a lump in my throat once again. "I missed you..." I mumbled in a cracky voice. The embrace ended after a long moment and I stared at her, keeping my hands loosely placed on her arms. "You're still gonna have to explain to me why you joined the Diamond Authority again." I said, raising an eyebrow. Lapis then looked away, scratching the back of her neck. "Uh's...a long story. I'll explain later." she said in an uneasy tone of voice. I looked down and nodded, sighing. "I have a plan. It's not the best one but I've got one." she then stated, starting to walk toward the door.

I followed closely behind her as she quietly opened the heavy door. "Pretend I'm still holding you against your will." Lapis whispered to me slyly, and I nodded quickly in response. She then wrapped her fingers around my arm tightly, and I slightly winced, remembering the bruises on them from before. Lapis puffed her chest, and put on her serious face, starting to walk forward intimidatingly. I tried to put my best 'terrified' face on, and I feel like I was failing but whatever. A Pearl walked by, twirling a pocketknife in her hand.

She looked over at us and raised an eyebrow. Lapis nudged my shoulder and I yelped in realization. "N-nOoOO sToP! Get your fiLtHy hands off of meeeEEE!!" I shouted in a screechy voice, gritting my teeth and furrowing my eyebrows in an unnatural way. Fuck I probably look constipated. Lapis then tripped over her own feet and yelled 'FUCK' gripping my arm tighter. "At ease you barbaric prisoner!" Lapis said loudly for the Pearl to hear, and I could've sworn I heard a little British in Lapis's command. "What the fuck Lapis this isn't a Shakespeare play!" I whisper shouted to her through my teeth.

"SHUTTHEFUCKUPIAMTRYINGMYBEST!!!" she hissed, pulling me along. "You fucking..." Lapis tried to think of an insult for the act. "Sexual... plague giraffe peasant!" she said, and her blush turned at least 10 shades darker than before. I internally screeched, wanting to facepalm so hard right now. Lapis just put on a fake smile, furrowing her eyebrows. The Pearl was finally out of sight, and Lapis let go of my arm. "Sexual plague giraffe peasant?! Are you kidding me?!" I whisper-shouted. "I COULDN'T THINK OF ANYTHING YOU ASS!" Lapis whisper shouted back.

Lapis then shook her head and rolled her eyes. "Whatever, just come over here." she said, opening a utility closet. It revealed to be full of guns and other weapons, and my jaw dropped a little. The bluenette then pulled out two huge guns that looked like I could barely hold one of them in my two hands. However, she carried them with ease, and she handed one over to me. I groaned and shook, lifting the gun with all of my strength to make it look like I had any fucking muscle mass whatsoever. Once I got a good grip on it, I managed to carry it properly. Lapis loaded hers with a shit ton of bullets, then loaded mine next.

"This is gonna be hella fun." Lapis said, holding the gun in her two hands. I lifted my gun up and grinned, chuckling.

We Don't Have a Choice (Killing Me Slowly Sequel) Lapidot AUWhere stories live. Discover now