Chapter 18

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-The next day-

For the past 24 hours Amethyst could not stop reminding me about her booze party with her friends, and I was debating on whether I should go or not. I wanted more than anything to just stay with Lapis at the barn and keep an eye on her, but she insisted on me going to have fun. I wanted her to go with me, but she tried to keep her hangouts with the crystal gems to a minimum. Plus Lapis was gaining more suspicions on why I was acting so strangely, so I guess I couldn't raise the stakes. I reluctantly agreed to it, and immediately regretted when I saw how much booze Amethyst pulled out.

I really didn't want a repeat of the bar incident to where I was puking in the bathroom feeling like shit. So I was deciding on even drinking in the first place. The short girl walked across the room and winked at me as she carried the box of alcohol. I raised an eyebrow and looked over at the front door, thinking about just leaving and heading back home. But then a tall girl wearing a black leather jacket with spikes on the shoulders walked up to the door. She had heavy eye shadow and blew a bubblegum bubble, which popped shortly after with a loud pop sound.

She peered in at me with a chill expression on her face, her eyes half-lidded. She was pretty attractive (coughcertainly no Lapis butcough) and I looked back to see if this was one of Amethyst's friends. Amethyst smiled and waved her foot around maniacally since her hands were full. "SUP VIDALIA!!!" she shouted, and Vidalia nodded. "Hey Ame, who's your friend?" she asked, stepping into the house. "Oh!" Amethyst set the boxes down on the kitchen table and ran over to me, roughly putting an arm around me. "Vidalia, this is Peridot! Peri, this is Vidalia!" Amethyst introduced us, and I looked back over at the blonde. "Pleasure." I said in a monotone voice, and she just nodded back.

"Alrighty, Garnet's pouring the shots, Pearl's getting the music goin', Steven's off at Connie's, and the two hotties are here, so let's get this started!" Amethyst said, raising two beer bottles before popping one of the lids open with the other bottle. I raised an eyebrow at the mentions of 'the two hotties' and just shook it off. "Yo Peri, why don't you start us off?" Amethyst suggested, signaling to the shots that sat on the counter beside Garnet. I stared at the small shot cups for a moment, then looked back at Amethyst. Oh god this never ends well.

I walked up to the counter and picked one up, followed by the cheers of Amethyst. Pearl played some alternative rock, as requested by Vidalia and Amethyst. I looked up at Garnet, not yet downing the liquid. "Can you at least tell me what it is?" I asked. "Just some Bulleit Bourbon, Peridot. Nothing too strong." she said, raising an eyebrow and chuckling. "She's prob'ly never drank before." Vidalia said with a smirk. What'd you say bitch? "I'll have you know that I have drank 13 shots of Devil Springs Vodka in one night!" I said, still holding the cup.

"How the hell did you get your hands on Devil Springs?" Amethyst asked, her eyes wide. "Lapis's gang had advantages..." I replied, before raising the shot cup to my mouth. I downed the drink, and slammed it down on the counter. I shut my eyes and coughed as it burned my throat for a moment. I know I had one of the strongest vodkas out there before, but this was still pretty strong. "Nice job, Peri! You're actually not a pussy!" Amethyst said loudly as she patted my back, laughing. "I can do you one better." Vidalia said, as she strutted up to the counter and took one in her hand.

She took the shot, slammed it down, and then immediately took the next shot after that. She then took the NEXT one, and set the empty glass down. The blonde barely reacted, and had swallowed it down without a blink. She stared at me and smirked, and Amethyst howled with laughter. I glared at the tall girl, waiting for it to hit her - based on the amount of alcohol in that drink, she was gonna break any second. She then coughed almost eight times and groaned. "Nyahahahaha!!!" I laughed at her, pointing at her in victory.

We Don't Have a Choice (Killing Me Slowly Sequel) Lapidot AUWhere stories live. Discover now