Chapter 24

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"Y-yes it's me! Now p-please don't hurt me anymore!!!" I cried, shielding myself with shaky arms. There was no sudden movement, so I slowly lowered my arms. She stared me down with icy blue eyes, and I couldn't read her expression. Despite her surprised tone of voice, all I saw was anger and distress in her eyes, and I still felt my breathing heavy. "What're you doing in these streets?" she coldly asked, looking me up and down. "I could ask you the same question..." I replied, looking up at her, afraid.

Lapis bared her teeth and furrowed her eyebrows. "None of your damn business." she deadpanned. "HEY!!! LESS TALKING AND START BEATING THAT ASSWIPE TO A PULP!!!" a gang member shouted from across the alleyway to Lapis. Lapis didn't even turn her head to look at the gang member, barely responding to the command. "Don't tell me what the fuck to do!!!" she finally shouted back in a harsh voice. I wondered what her next move would be, considering the fact that she just dissed her own gang member. She looked back down at me with an apathetic expression on her face.

She wrapped her fingers around my arm tightly, and roughly pulled me up to my feet. I yelped and felt terrified of her rough nature, much different from her normal behavior toward me. She shoved me against the wall and patted across my body for any other weapons. I silently cursed to myself as she found a gun in my back pocket. Fuck I could've used that. The bluenette pulled the gun out and reloaded it, not breaking eye contact with me. I shrunk under the contact, and I literally thought she was going to shoot me with my own gun.

However, she just stuffed it in her back pocket, and tugged me by my arm. "Ugh! Hey!" I groaned as she yanked on my arm harder when I refused to move. "Lapis please you don't have to do this!!!" I whined, pulling on her grip. Her grip on my arm only tightened the more I tried to escape. "That's enough! Let's just take them back to the building!" Lapis shouted to the others. They looked over at her, then each other, then just shrugged and nodded. "Wh-what're you gonna do with us?! Is Pearl okay?! Lapis!!!" I shouted, still thrashing.

She then elbowed me in the ribs, straining a groan from my lips. "Keep your mouth shut, Peridot!" she hissed, making sure no one else heard the Peridot part. She gave me this look that didn't even look... angry? It more so looked... urgent. A whimper escaped my throat, and my legs shook. She then yanked on me again, with the strength that nearly pulled my arm out of the socket. God DAMMIT MY WIGGLY ARM WHY.

"Take the rest of 'em too." Lapis said, pointing to the rest of the Crystal Gems. Steven must be at home watching Pumpkin. One of the members pulled Pearl to her feet, and I let out a breath of relief, knowing that she was alive and okay. Amethyst's arms were pinned behind her back, and she glanced over at me with a scared look. I looked back at her, trying to give off a calm and reassuring look. We're gonna get out of this somehow... I hope. "Lapis you don't know what you're doing!!! Do you realize all the time you spent with u-" "SHUT UP!!!" Lapis interrupted Pearl's cries, looking back at her with her nostrils flared.

When Lapis turned back around, I tried to read her expression, but she hid it behind her hood and bandana once again. I tripped over my own feet, causing Lapis to grunt and pull harder so I would keep up. I'm pretty sure my arms are bruised by now... along with every other part of my body for that matter. Tears were threatening to leave my eyes as I felt a lump in my throat. Turns out they didn't ride their bikes here, so they forced us to walk all the way to the gang building...the building I hoped I'd never have to enter again.

We barged in through the double doors, and Lapis kept her firm grip on me as we walked through the halls. "Yellow is down the right near the chambers." I heard a Yellow Pearl whisper to the two gang members holding Garnet. And that's exactly where we went. We continued walking, on our way to the chambers when I looked over at Lapis. She kept her eyes straight ahead and didn't even give me a glance. It was almost my instinct to rest my head on her shoulder, but I refrained. Why do I still love her so much...

We suddenly stopped walking, and I almost tripped again, but caught my balance. I gasped as I spotted Yellow Diamond herself standing in front of us, her hands behind her back. She looked extremely calm and it almost seemed unnatural. "Ah, the Crystal Gems... the pathetic supposed rebels who destroyed my gang. Do you realize how long it took me to restore it? Hm?" Yellow looked at all of us expectedly, raising her fucking sharpie-drawn eyebrow. I glared at her, remembering the deep scar she left on me. "All you did was harm. We had no choice." Garnet replied. "All we do is harm, hm? And what does your gang do? Is it a group of superheroes in disguise, flying and prancing around, saving cats from trees?" Yellow asked, waving her hands in the air mockingly.

Garnet remained silent after that, looking down. "Didn't think so." the gang leader said quietly. "We did nothing to you. You guys used to be loyal to our gang. But nooo your disgraceful gang leader Rose Quartz just had to start something to make her feel better about herself. She gunned down our beloved Pink Diamond, dear. Now does that sound like stopping any harm?" Yellow asked. I noticed Lapis looked down with a pained expression on her face. Yellow's talking shit about her mother right in front of her.

"Anywho, Lapis, Bismuth, Jasper, Topaz and Ruby. I need you all to torture these corrupted souls and make sure they feel the wrath of the Diamond Authority. Do I make myself clear?" she commanded, looking at each and every one of us. "Yes ma'am." the gang members replied, including Lapis. "W-wait no! You can't do this! Please!" I begged, starting to thrash again. The other Crystal Gems began to panic as well, as all the gang members began to separate and go into different chambers. Lapis dragged me to a chamber in the corner, and I yelled and cried. "LAPIS!!! LAPIS LAZULI!!!" I cried, but she ignored me.

She shoved me into a chair in the middle of the room, and closed the door behind her. She then walked up to me, tying my arms and legs down to the rickety chair. "Oh god oh god oh god please don't hurt me, Lapis! LAPIS PLEASE!!" I sobbed, feeling tears fill my eyes. She stood there, staring at me as I continued to beg and plead.

We Don't Have a Choice (Killing Me Slowly Sequel) Lapidot AUWhere stories live. Discover now