Chapter 4

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I was slumped on the old couch with Lapis sleeping in my lap while we watched Camp Pining Hearts. I kept mentally screeching obsessive rants about my OTP in my head, watching as Percy and Paulette flirted with each other. My phone then buzzed, and I quickly looked down to make sure it didn't wake Lapis. To my relief, she remained sound asleep, softly snoring. I picked up the phone and tapped on the notification - it was a text message from Amethyst? 

Amethyst: Whaddup Peri :D

Amethyst: wanna go hang at the big donut later?

Amethyst wants to hang out with me? A Crystal Gem just asked to hang out at the Big Donut?! This had to be a trap, I thought as I stared at the text message blankly. What if I end up getting jumped like Lapis did? I didn't really trust it, but I decided to reply.

Peridot: Why me? -__-

Peridot: Can't u take Pearl or something?

Amethyst: Nah dude, I wanna get to know u :)

Amethyst: U seem cool

Peridot: The Big Donut?

Amethyst: Just me and u

Peridot: You and I*

Amethyst: Great! seeya at 4

Peridot: I never said that I was gonna go

Peridot: Amethyst?

Peridot: Amethyst.

Peridot: Hello?

Peridot: .....

I groaned, putting my phone down and placing my hand back on Lapis's back where it was previously. Maybe I just won't show up. Yeah...then they can't beat me up! haHA! Wait....what if it's legit though? I don't wanna get on the Crystal Gem's bad side. Hm. I sat there debating with myself for at least 45 minutes, until I finally came to a conclusion - I was gonna go. BUT I'm bringing Lapis with me. that weird? I mean Amethyst already knows that we're dating...So I decided that I was going, but I was taking my pocketknife, gun, and a secret weapon with me.


3:37 PM

"Peridot it's just a meet-up with Amethyst. I dunno what the hell you're taking a baseball bat for." Lapis deadpanned, sitting at the table across from me, swishing the wine around in her glass. "How do you know that she isn't tricking me like Pearl tricked you?" I inquired, twirling the bat in my hand. "Good point. But I'd like to point out that the last time you had a bat in your hands didn't have the best outcome." she replied, taking a sip.

I winced, recalling the horrific scene. "That was different...this could be multiple people and the bat might not even protect me enough." I protested. "I gave you a gun. If things get outta hand, you could just take 'em all out in a few shots. A lot less messy, might I add." she said. "Nnnghh..." I looked down at the bat in my hands. "Plus...if you feel like you're in could always call me...I'll be there..." she added, giving me a small smile. I looked back up at Lapis, who was holding her hand out, signaling for me to give her the weapon. I grunted, and reluctantly handed over the bat, and she leaned it against her chair, making sure I didn't take it again.

She smirked and took another sip of her wine. "How'd you even get your hands on that? You're 17." I asked, staring at the large wine bottle beside her glass. "How I get my hands on everything else - stole it." she casually stated, staring right at me. "Can I have some?" I quietly asked, twiddling my fingers. "It'll be waiting right here for you. After your meet-up...which you're gonna be late to if you don't go soon." Lapis said, waving the bottle teasingly in front of my face.

We Don't Have a Choice (Killing Me Slowly Sequel) Lapidot AUWhere stories live. Discover now