Chapter 23

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I went straight for the heart with my blade, but the person swiftly dodged it by side-stepping me, throwing their head back. They then switched around and sliced my shoulder, straining a cry from my mouth. I growled and charged the person again, tightening my grip on my knife. They backed their shoulder up to where I barely missed them, and they attacked back by jerking their knife toward my neck. I purposely fell backward so they would miss it, and I felt my breathing pick up.

I adjusted my mask so I could see out of it better, and quickly climbed back to my feet. I jerked my knife toward their heart once again, only to feel my wrist get snatched by their right hand, and their left elbow collide with my ribs. I groaned in pain, and they released my hand, only to kick me in the stomach, sending me flying backwards. I accidentally let go of the knife, and hit the ground hard on my back.

They stepped up to me, and gripped the knife in their hand. No. It's not gonna end like this. I quickly rolled over and kicked the guy in the shin. They flinched and backed up, slightly stunned. I took this chance to climb back to my feet and catch my breath. I jolted forward and knocked the dude in the side of his head with my fist. They jerked to the side and stood still for a moment. The upper half of his head was shadowed over by his hood, and the bottom half of his face was covered in a bandana, so I couldn't tell how he reacted. Not to mention my eyesight was absolute shit in this mask.

Next thing I know, he swung his fist and socked me across the face. I spiraled backwards but caught my balance once again. Uh oh. He shoved me roughly, then bitch-slapped me across the face, causing me to stumble backward AGAIN. Fuck... everything... spinning... he picked me up by the collar of my jacket and threw me against a crowd of trash cans, my head getting hit at least three times in several different directions. I tried to get back up, but he just kicked me again hard in the stomach and I let out a loud groan, feeling the wind get knocked out of me.

I hear the loud rev of motorcycles echo the alleyway, and we all look over to the lights for a moment. FINALLY. There sat Garnet and Pearl on their bikes, their headlights shining in our eyes. I decided to use this opportunity to get away, only to notice something. I looked up at the guy, and his bright blue eyes stared into the white light with boldness. Wait... that's no guy...The person pulled down their hood and out came a fluff of dark blue hair, the roots at the top a black color. Their eyebrows furrowed in a faniliar way, and I felt my stomach drop. HOLY FUCK THAT'S LAPIS LAZULI.

"Hah. More fun..." I heard one of the gang members mutter, looking at Garnet and Pearl. They turned off their bikes and hopped off, storming toward the gang members with guns in their hands. "Whoop, they're armed you guys. Looks like we're fucked." Lapis said in a sarcastic tone of voice, teasingly putting her hands in surrender. "Don't move, or we will shoot!" Pearl said in a serious tone, gripping the gun in her hand. "Wait don't shoo-" "OOPS!" Lapis interrupted me as she purposely moved, and I could see her eyes squint.

Pearl then pulled the trigger, and the bluenette jerked to the side and swiftly pulled a gun of her own out of her jacket, pointing it at Pearl. "Sorry, P. Nothin' personal." she said, before busting off rounds recklessly, and all I saw were flashing lights of each bullet shooting out. "PEARL NO!!!" I heard Amethyst shout at the top of her lungs, and she was being held down by another member.

As soon as Pearl was nowhere in sight, I felt my eyes tear up, and my hands shook. Oh my god Lapis isn't playing games. Lapis stopped shooting, putting the weapon back in her pocket and peering over at me with a cold glare. FUCK SHE DOESN'T KNOW WHO I AM!! WHAT DO I DO?! DO I TAKE THE MASK OFF?! WILL THAT MAKE HER ANGRIER?! SHOULD I STAY ANONYMOUS?! Thoughts were surging through my head rapidly all at once, and I started panting.

Lapis then walked up to me and grabbed my arm harshly, yanking me up to my feet. I hobbled, but caught my balance again, only to be punched in the stomach. She kicked me again, and my back hit the wall hard. She punched me in the face several times, and I couldn't bring myself to fight back. DO SOMETHING PERIDOT!!! SHE'S GONNA BEAT YOU TO DEATH IF YOU DON'T!!! I then jerked my head forward, headbutting Lapis and she groaned as she stepped back. I then swung my fist at her while she was in shock. Please forgive me for this Lapis.

I punched her across the face and she let out a low growl. She then shoved her hands out toward me and I yelped. The bluenette placed her hands on my neck and pressed me against the wall, choking me. I couldn't see her mouth, but her eyes were angry and hurt. I let out a cough, and struggled to escape her death grip. Her hands only tightened and she lifted me up by my neck, and now I was panicking. She looked up at me with furious eyes, and all I could do is kick and thrash. Taking off my mask was now no longer an option.

Her eyes had a creepy blue glow to them, and she threw me across with all of her might. My back hit the wall AGAIN and I slid down onto my bottom, feeling my head throb. She creeped up to me with her gun in hand, reloading it already. I let out a gasp and cried out. "LAPIS PLEASE WAIT IT'S ME!!!" I screeched, holding my hands up shakily in defense. She tilted her head and raised an eyebrow, keeping her finger on the trigger. I yanked the mask off and took in a deep breath of fresh air. "Fuck!  Cough! L-Lapis p-please it's me Peridot!!! Penelope!! D-don't shoot! Don't shoot!" I shouted between choked sobs.

Lapis gasped and took a step back, dropping her gun to the ground. She yanked the bandana down from her face. "Holy fuck it's you!!"

We Don't Have a Choice (Killing Me Slowly Sequel) Lapidot AUWhere stories live. Discover now