Chapter 9

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I woke up on our bed, and I looked over where Lapis normally lays - but she wasn't there. Where is she? I slowly sat up, making sure not to be too rough with the fresh stitching in my abdomen. I took a few moment before hopping down from the bed. I looked down and noticed that I was only wearing Lapis's 'SHUT YOUR WHORE MOUTH HARRISON' t-shirt and my alien boxers. I tiredly trudged into the kitchen and noticed Lapis's back was turned to me. She had a cropped  blue tank top on and gray sweatpants. She was standing there sipping coffee and smoking a cigarette while watching Dr. Phil. 

I walked up behind her and gently wrapped my arms around her waist, and she slightly turned her head. "Oh, you're awake. How'd you sleep?" Lapis asked as I rested my chin on her shoulder. "Amazing, actually. How long have you been up?~" I asked in a soft tone of voice, and I saw a slight blush on Lapis's face. "S-since 7 this morning. I couldn't sleep so I decided to just get up for the day..." she explained, taking a hit from her cig.  

"I'm feeling a lot better, by the way. All thanks to your first aid skills~" I said, breathing down her collarbone. I felt her shudder, and she looked away, facing the TV once again. I was feeling a little horny at the moment, so I slowly slid my hand down her stomach to the hem of her sweatpants. I heard Lapis breathe out, and I smirked, kissing her neck softly. My right hand trailed up her tank top, and my left hand went past the hem and into her pants. 

The cigarette fell from her mouth and onto the floor as she quietly moaned. "P-Perido--" BZZZZZ BZZZZZ! I yelped, feeling a disruptive vibration against my stomach, realizing it was Lapis's phone in her back pocket. Lapis jumped too, almost dropping her mug of coffee, resulting in some of the liquid spilling on the floor. I took my hands out of her pants and tank top to let her get her phone out. I backed up and huffed in frustration. Lapis looked at who was calling, and she groaned, rolling her eyes.

"What Pearl?" Lapis harshly answered, putting it on speaker. "Garnet and I were just on a mission an hour or so ago, and a source told us that there's a kid someone's giving off for quite some money, and we were wondering if you wanted to come along." Pearl explained. "Why are you telling me this? Lemme guess. Steven wants us to go, doesn't he?" Lapis deadpanned, a look of disinterest in her face. "Yes, that's actually exactly why I'm telling you." Pearl said. 

"What the hell are you guys gonna do with another kid anyway?" I chimed in. "Since Steven doesn't have a lot of friends, and they're literally offering a shit ton of cash to anyone who'll take it. We need that money." Pearl explained. Lapis groaned, rolling her eyes. "Ugh, fine. We'll go for Steven." Lapis replied, putting a hand on her hip. She hung up and looked over at me. "Welp, looks like we gotta get ready." she said, crossing her arms. I sighed, and walked upstairs.

. . . .

"Where is the kid even gonna stay?" Lapis asked, giving the Crystal Gems a weird look. "Well...we don't know yet. But since we're getting that money, we may be able to renovate this house a bit and add another room for it." Pearl replied. "You guys will do anything for weed money..." I muttered, walking with Lapis to the motorcycle. The Crystal Gems got on their bikes and we followed them down the streets of Beach City.

We arrived at some broken down place, and a crap ton of shady characters were standing by the entrance. I consciously put my hand on my scars, and whimpered a little. Lapis looked at me and wrapped an arm tight around me. "If any of these guys try anything, their heads will be mounted on our wall." Lapis whispered in my ear. Very reassuring Lapis....

We walked up to the entrance, and the two huge guys guarding the door scanned all six of us with judging eyes. "We're here for the kid." Garnet told them, and their harsh expressions faded and they nodded, stepping aside to let us in. As we walked past them, I shuddered as one of them gave me a terrifying glare. Lapis took my hand in hers and she winked at me. I blushed and looked ahead as we entered the dark room.

A guy who looked about our age stepped forward into the light. He had a long red jacket with a white t-shirt underneath, a lightning strike across the front. He had skinny jeans on, spiky brown hair, and sunglasses similar to Garnet's. "They're here for the girl!" the guy yelled toward the back of the room, and I couldn't see back there due to the pitch blackness. Out came two others, who also looked about me and Lapis's age, and they were holding a smaller person, who I assumed was the child. 

The guy was quite tall and he had almost platinum blonde hair and pale blue eyes. He had a pale blue sweatshirt and orange sweatpants with suspenders hanging from the hem of them. The other one was a girl with dark, poofy short hair and large golden earrings. She was wearing light blue skinny jeans and a red and white-striped crop top. They were rough with the kid, and they threw her to the ground in front of us. 

The child grunted, sniffled, then looked up at us - and my jaw almost dropped. She had short reddish-orange hair, and big blue eyes almost as beautiful as Lapis's. She had very light freckles that you could only see a little bit in the light. Her skin tone was about the same as Pearl's and she was wearing a red sweatshirt and little torn jeans. OH MY FUCKING LORD SHE'S SO TINY AND CUTE AHHHHHHHH!!!

However, I noticed bruises on her neck and the exposed places where her jeans were ripped. I looked over at Lapis and noticed that her previous annoyed expression immediately dissipated. I could've sworn she had stars in her eyes and her mouth was slightly open as she looked at the child. "She's...younger than I imagined..." Pearl said, putting a finger on her chin. "I-I don't care Pearl! She's fine the way she is! She'll be a great friend! Can we take her please?" Steven begged with his hands clasped. 

Silence filled the air for a long moment, and I noticed the little girl was staring up at Pearl with hope. "Sigh...We'll take her." she finally said, pinching the bridge of her nose. Steven cheered and jumped up and down. The child looked relieved by Pearl's decision, and she stood up, dusting herself off. "Hi! I'm Steven Universe! And these are my mom's friend- friends too! Garnet, Pearl, and Amethyst!" Garnet nodded, Pearl just looked at the girl, and Amethyst waved with a grin on her face.

"Oh! And this is my big sister, Lapis!" Steven said, gesturing to Lapis. The girl looked up at Lapis and smiled widely. "And this is Peridot!" Steven pointed to me. The girl looked up at me and gave me the same big smile. She waved shyly, and I knelt down to her level. "What's your name, sweetheart?" I asked, smiling at her.

"Pumpkin..." she muttered, putting her hands behind her back. "That's a cute name..." I said. "How old is she exactly?" Amethyst asked. "Eight." the brown-haired guy deadpanned. "Alright, where's the money?" Pearl asked harshly, putting her hand out. 

We Don't Have a Choice (Killing Me Slowly Sequel) Lapidot AUWhere stories live. Discover now