Chapter 16

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-One week later-

I've been making sure that Lapis has been taking it easy for the past week because of her injuries. Lapis always insists that she's fine and able to go on missions again, but I still get anxious at the thought of letting her fight again. Pumpkin was in the corner drawing with her brand new box of markers that I bought her, and Lapis was sitting in the kitchen with a cup of coffee in her hand. The bluenette had bags under her eyes from the sleepless nights and constant checking up on Pumpkin in the middle of the night. No matter how much I tried to reassure her that I would check on Pumpkin, I'd still wake up and find Lapis by Pumpkin's side while the child was asleep.

I walked up to Lapis and sat across from her, giving her a lazy smile. "Why are you drinking coffee at four in the afternoon?" I asked her, raising an eyebrow. She took a sip and wiggled her eyebrows playfully, earning a slight blush from me. "Better question... why not?" Lapis replied, setting the mug down once again. I tsked then giggled, looking the other way for moment. "How are your wrists?" I asked. Laz lifted her wrists and showed them to me, and I saw that the scrapes were healing. "They don't hurt anymore, but my forearms are still pretty sore." She explained, swishing the coffee in her cup.

"What about your ankles?" I asked. Lapis gave me a lazy look that said 'really I don't wanna have to get up and show you'. I huffed, then stood up, walking over to the bluenette. I kneeled next to her and lifted her left ankle, examining it. "Do they still hurt?" I asked, running my fingers over the scars. I immediately pulled back when Lapis let out a hiss in pain. "Those still hurt..." she muttered. "Sorry! Sorry..." I quickly apologized, standing back up.

I kissed Lapis's cheek, and she blushed a little, which was adorable. She looked me in the eyes, and I felt myself freeze, feeling trapped in those grey blue eyes. I jerked my eyes downward and they ended up scanning Lapis's body from her neck down. She wore black short shorts, a Metallica T-shirt, and her leather jacket draped over her shoulders. She still wore the same dog tags I remember she had back when we were still apart of the Blue Diamond Authority. The memory was fresh in my head like it happened yesterday.

She hopped out of that big Jeep as the sun beat down on our heads. Those dog tags hung around her neck and she took off her aviator sunglasses, shooting me an intimidating glare that went straight through my soul. I snapped back into reality and realized the difference in her expression now and then her expressions she gave me then. She had a small smile on her face and she just looked, happier. I'm glad that her life with Pumpkin and I at the barn makes her happier than life back at the gang. I slightly bit my lip as I continued looking her body up and down. We need to have sex again.

"What?" Lapis asked, raising an eyebrow. SHIT DID I SAY THAT OUT LOUD?! "Oh?! I um... N-nothing." I replied nervously. Lapis giggled and shook her head, closing her eyes. "You're such a  dork... " she muttered with a smile on her face. I blushed and had a stupid grin on my face. Lapis's amused attitude quickly changed into kind of a serious one. She looked at me with a deep stare that was... different. Like she was trying to read my mind or something. A blush spread across her cheeks and ran all the way up to her ears and down to her neck. "Say, P-Peridot?" she said quietly, and I tilted my head. She stuttered. She hardly EVER stutters.

"W-what is the b-best age....y-you think people get married at?" she asked. Well this is a little random. Hm. I tried to remember what age my mom got married at, and realized she actually never told me. Come to think of it, she never really talked about my dad after he died. He only died when I was about four or five years old...and she told me that he died in a car crash. But she's lied to me about a lot of things... did she kill him? I got shivers at the thought, so I shook it off and went back to topic. "I dunno... it really depends on how sure the person is about how much they love the other I guess... how ready they believe they are to spend the rest of their life with that person.. " I replied, looking off to the side.

Lapis stared at me for a moment, then nodded slowly. "Like to raise a family with them too?" she asked, looking up at me with sparkling eyes. I felt my cheeks heat up, and I stuttered. Fuck why is she asking me these questions? Is it hot in here? "I uhm... well... y-yeah. I mean we're practically raising a kid together..." I replied, still blushing. Lapis raised both her eyebrows and I didn't think it was possible, but Lapis's blush spread even more. FUCK WAIT WHAT IF SHE WASN'T REFERRING TO US?!? WHAT IF IT WAS JUST A HYPOTHETICAL THING AAAAA—

"If it were p-possible... w-what if w-we were to have kids, ya know?" Lapis asked in a shaky voice. MY GOD I DON'T THINK I'VE EVER SEEN HER LIKE THIS. And like... if one of us were a dude? And like... like we had... hm? I decided to keep cool and just go with it. "Then it would get your beautiful blue eyes." I said, resting my chin in my hands. I saw Lapis's hands tense up and grip the counter tighter. Her blush was already at its peak, and she just looked back at me. Awww.

After a few moments, her blush died down, and her hands relaxed once again. She took my hands from supporting my chin and held them in hers. "And it would have your crazy fluffy hair..." she said, giggling. Now it was my turn to blush, and she giggled more in response. "Why do you ask?" I asked, genuinely curious as to why she brought this up in the first place. Lapis looked away, blushing once again. "Just... thinking... " she mumbled, and I tilted my head again. That didn't really answer my question, but I doubt that she would go any further anyway.

Lapis then looked back at me and smiled. "I still wonder how you suddenly got that super human strength to free me from the chamber back at the gang building." she said. I stuttered and felt myself get all flustered at the memory. "It was nothing really... " I replied, looking down. "It wasn't nothing. It meant everything to me... " she protested, squeezing my hands. I looked back up at her and her small smile was still present. "I couldn't stand to see you like that anymore..." I said. "I had to do something. At one point I thought you were gonna lose all consciousness and just die right there..." I explained, feeling my eyes tear up.

Lapis let go of my hands and used one of hers to wipe the tear spilling from my eye. "Well... I didn't. I'm here now... and I'm okay." she assured, and I sniffled. "Pumpkin and I woke up that morning and you were gone... I was worried sick... I even lost it at a point and earned a punch in the face from Pearl... " I explained. Lapis furrowed her eyebrows at the mention of Pearl punching me. "I just realized how broken down I was without you..." I added, feeling a lump in throat. "I'm so sorry, Peridot. I was sleeping sound with Pumpkin, and before I knew it, I felt a tissue clamp over my face. There must've been chloroform on it 'cause I was out cold." she explained.

"I woke up with that barbed wire tied around my wrists and ankles and realized I was stripped down to my bra and panties. Corruptions were dancing around me and it was terrifying... they started cutting me, and tightening the barbed wire for fun, and they would wipe my blood up with their fingers and lick it off, like some kind of sauce. It made me sick to my stomach... " Lapis was shaken at this point, and she instinctively wrapped her arms around herself. "They tortured me for a whole week, and they ate other people right in front of me...and they told me I was next..."

I looked at her in shock, and kissed her forehead, stroking her blue fluffy hair.
"I'm so so sorry, Lapis. I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you sooner...'cause it really shatters me inside to think of how much pain you must've gone through." I replied, tears now running down my face. Lapis looked away, and I noticed she teared up a bit. "it's not your fault. I should've stayed awake." She muttered. I got up and walked back over to the bluenette, and she gave me a confused look. I then wrapped my arms tightly around her, and rested my chin on her shoulder.

She was shocked at first, but then hugged back afterward. She pulled me into her lap and embraced me back tightly. "What would I do without you..." Lapis whispered, and I sniffled. I wrapped my legs around her lower back and held onto her for dear life. "I could ask you the same question..." I whispered back. We stay in a comforting silence, and I didn't ever want this moment to end. "Can I have a Capri-Sun?!" Pumpkin suddenly shouted, startling Lapis and I both.

We Don't Have a Choice (Killing Me Slowly Sequel) Lapidot AUWhere stories live. Discover now