Chapter 30

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-The next day-

"Baaaabe, Pumpkin spilled apple juice all over the carpet again and it's your turn to clean it!" Lapis yelled from the second floor of the barn. Sigh. I went to the kitchen and grabbed a shit ton of paper towels, then heading up the stairs. Pumpkin was staring down at the juice puddle sadly, while Lapis was laying across the bed lazily on her stomach. "Sweetheart, you need to be more careful, okay?" I said in a tired voice. The child nodded slowly, and walked downstairs, going to do who knows what. "Stay inside!" I called after her, receiving a 'mmh' in response. 

"That girl needs some discipline." Lapis commented in a muffled voice, since half of her face was mashed in a pillow. "Psh, look who's talking." I scoffed, wiping up the mess. "For real, Peri. She doesn't even listen to us half the time." she replied, rolling onto her back. "Well, we're her guardians, so it's our job to give her that guidance." I explained. "Not if she doesn't listen." she added, draping an arm over her stomach. I huffed, finishing up the mess and standing back up. I walked over to the trash can and threw all the soiled paper towels away, and I dusted my knees off gently.

"Because we're not hard enough on her." I said, putting a hand on my hip, standing in front of the bed. "I yell at stuck-up asswipes and the TV. Not 8 year-old girls," Lapis said, sitting up and facing me. She draped her legs over the edge of the bed. "Well, nothing's gonna change then." I shrugged. "Look at you, miss I'm-a-cool-mother-who-knows-everything." the bluenette remarked, looking me up and down smugly. I scoffed loudly, placing a hand on my chest pretending to be offended. "I'll have you know that I am just as inexperienced as you are, but I at least have knowledge about how the world works." I sarcastically replied.

Lapis giggled, hopping off of the bed and walking up to me. "I do know how the world works, Peridot. I just don't bother to acknowledge it most of the time." she said, wrapping her arms gently around my waist. I rested my arms around her neck and smiled at her, pulling her in for a quick kiss. Once we pulled away, I raised an eyebrow and looked her in the eyes. "Well I acknowledge mine all the time, because you are my world~" I purred, trying my hardest not to giggle. "Oh god, please don't ever say that again." she said, snorting then giggling loudly. A large blush was on her face, and I laughed with her.

"Do we have any more Oreos?" Pumpkin called from the doorway, and I turned my head to look at her. "Yes, go check the higher cabinets." Lapis replied. The child nodded then left, leaving us alone once again. "I had fun yesterday~" Lapis said in a soft tone of voice that made me melt inside. "S-stop..." I said, looking away and blushing. "I know you did too~" she added, wiggling her eyebrows. I pressed our bodies together and pushed her onto the bed. I straddled her, and she quickly obliged, putting her hands on my hips. "Maybe I did~" I said quietly, leaning down to her face. 

"I climbed onto the counter to reach the higher cabinets and a bag of corn flakes fell out and spilled all over the floor." Pumpkin said, standing in the doorway once again. "Ugh, clean it up, Pumpkin." I groaned, sitting up. "Do I have to? What're you guys doing?" she asked. "None of your damn business. And yes you gotta clean it up, love. Just get the broom." Lapis explained, resting on her elbows. "Okayyyy..." Pumpkin groaned, walking back out. "I feel like we don't get any privacy anymore since we've had her..." Lapis mumbled sadly, stroking my hips with her thumbs. "Well, that's kids for ya." I replied, sighing. "Like we used to able to fuck whenever we wanted, now I can't even kiss you without Pumpkin magically spilling some type of food somewhere and coming in to make us clean it." the bluenette explained.

I chuckled, leaning down and kissing her forehead gently. "Well, that's also what a bedtime is for..." I said quietly. Lapis half-smiled, and looked over at the TV, which was playing MTV. "Bet I've gotten better at dancing." she said, eyes glued to the screen. "But never as good as me." I said in a cocky tone, placing a hand on my chest. "Alright, let's do it right now then." she stated. "Wait really?" I asked, raising my eyebrows. "Yup. We got music." she replied. I looked over at the TV, and cringed at the zoom-ins on hips shaking and swerving repeatedly. "Oh god, I hate this song." I groaned, recognizing the Cardi B song playing on it. "But I thought you were a good dancer." Lapis smugly remarked.

"I am!" I protested. "A good dancer can dance to anything~" she purred, raising an eyebrow. I groaned so loudly, it probably echoed the whole barn. "Fiiiiine..." I climbed off of her, and dusted myself off. Lapis then hopped off of the bed once again, and smirked. "Ready when you are." I sighed, rolling my eyes and placing my right hand on her hip. "I wanna lead this time." she said, giving me a sad look. "Alright, alright." I grumbled, placing my hand now on her shoulder. She grinned, and intertwined her fingers with mine. 

dIaMoNd DiStRiCt iN tHe JaG! I said I like it like that~

cErTiFieD yOu KnoW iM gAnG! I said I like it like-

dRoP tHe ToP aNd BLoW tHe BrAiNs! I said I like it like that~

"OH HE SO HANDSOME WHAT'S HIS NAME?!" Lapis suddenly shouted the words in a fake accent, startling me. I groaned, trying to cover my obvious laugh, but failed and started giggling. She swayed us back and forth, doing a surprisingly good job as she obnoxiously sang along to the words. God she's the only one who makes this song tolerable. "Remember the first time we danced?" she then asked me a gentle voice, and if it were possible, hearts would've formed in my eyes. " was also our first kiss..." I said, resting my head on her chest as we continued dancing. After some silence between us and only the song playing in the background, I heard Lapis's heartbeat pick up.

"Y-ya matter how mad you make me sometimes, or how mad you get at me...I seem to still love you more than anything..." she timidly said. "R-really?" I asked, feeling a blush form on my cheeks. "Y-yeah...I have a feeling no matter how hard I would try...I'd always be crawling back to you, anyway..." she said, chuckling. I chuckled with her, burying my head into the crook of her neck. "Yeah?" I asked in a soft voice.


Heyo my dudes I just wanna let yall know that sadly this story is coming to an end soon...BUT there's still a couple chapters after this one so yeah! I appreciate all of the attention this book has gotten so so so much aaaaa I love you all!!! :DDD


We Don't Have a Choice (Killing Me Slowly Sequel) Lapidot AUWhere stories live. Discover now