Chapter 14

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I waited for what felt like forever, just having to listen to Lapis's painful screams. I was crying my fucking eyes out and was starting to think that I should just do this on my own. Just as I was about to get up and try to get the door open, gunshots echoed from the main entrance, and I turned around. Flashes of light from heavy guns painted the walls and I flinched and yelped, taking cover. Screams sounded from the same place, and curses were hollered.

I assume that's the Crystal Gems arriving. I spotted Garnet running down the hall toward me with her heavy black ACR in her hands. Pearl and Amethyst followed behind, and I assumed they didn't bring Steven along. "OH THANK THE STARS YOU GUYS ARE HERE!!! WE GOTTA GET LAPIS OUTTA THERE!!!" I shouted, tears still streaming down my face. Garnet looked over at the door to the chamber Lapis was in. 

First, she pounded on the door, but there was no answer. She peeked into the small window and grunted. Garnet then pulled one of those small beeping things out of her jackets - similar to the one Lapis used to bust me out of jail. She placed it onto the door and immediately yelled to get back. Amethyst, Pearl, Garnet, and I all dashed back and dove behind random objects before the room shook with a loud KABOOM. Amethyst and I were behind a large box and we slowly peeked over the edge of the box. 

The doorway was blown to pieces and a burnt, slightly sizzling brim surrounded where the door previously was. We all gasped in unison as the inside of the room was now exposed, and the corrupted beasts looked over in our direction. We ducked back down behind the objects and looked at each other. Garnet reloaded her gun, Pearl took out her revolver, and Amethyst pulled out her pistol. I followed their acts and pulled out my handgun from Lapis's jacket.

"On the count of three..." Garnet whispered. "" My heart was beating at 100 miles an hour as the beasts' footsteps came closer to our spot. "THREE!!!" I stood up quickly and pulled the trigger several times, not aiming at anything particular, just making sure I got one of the monsters. The sounds of guns were all that was heard down this hall and as the Crystal Gems continued shooting the corruptions down, I put my gun in my pocket and ran towards the doorway into the chamber.

Just as I reached the door, I managed to yell Lapis's name before I felt a large body tackle me. I looked up and a large set of sharp teeth were growling and snapping at me as I tried shoving the abomination off. I placed my hands on the beast's chest and pushed with all of my might, adding some kicking and thrashing to throw it off. The monster lifted its claw, and swooped down, slashing my cheek roughly. I grunted and ignored the sheer pain, still fighting it off. I heard the clanking and clicking of the barbed wire around Lapis moving around, as if she were trying to escape.

I assumed she was too weak to yell my name, so she squirmed and struggled to get out. I quickly dug into my pocket and pulled out my gun once again. Without a second of hesitation, I shot the monster in the face and chest at least 11 times, causing it to finally fall over with a loud thump. I exhaled, and closed my eyes, feeling my body tremble with every breath. I slowly climbed to my feet and dusted myself off. "You okay, Peridot?!" Garnet asked from across the hall. "Yeah! Y-yeah...I'm okay..." I breathed, now looking over at poor Lapis.

I ran toward her at full speed and stepped over the dead bodies, not even shocked anymore. "P-Peridot..." Lapis muttered, her voice barely a whisper. "Shhh, it's okay. I'm here. I'm gonna get you outta here, okay?" I told her, stroking her bruised cheek. Lapis looked into my eyes with her teary and bloodshot ones, and a part of me just died a little on the inside. I felt a lump in my throat as I looked around for anything I could use to cut the barbed wire. 

"ONE OF YOU COME HELP ME!!" I hollered across the hall to the others. Pearl was busy helping Garnet fight off one of the monsters, so that left Amethyst shooting at a couple from afar. She glanced over at me and nodded, and not a second later, she dashed in my direction, being chased by a corruption. I shot the monster chasing after the short girl about 4 times, and took a breath. "What is it?" Amethyst asked. "I need to cut this barbed wire off of Lapis, but I can't find anything to cut it with." I explained, still looking around.

We Don't Have a Choice (Killing Me Slowly Sequel) Lapidot AUWhere stories live. Discover now