Chapter 8

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I almost slipped again as I turned a corner and started running down another street. The only sound echoing the walls were the pounding of my foot steps. I'm coming Peridot. Someone then ran right into me and tackled me into a wall. They pinned me and I screamed and thrashed in response. My cry for help was silenced when they cupped their hand over my mouth and my yelling was now muffled. Shit I need to do something! What's happening to Peridot?!

I pulled my knife out and was about to slit the guy's throat, but I halted when the gleam of the knife shined on the person's face and green eyes stared back at me. "PFFRAWF?!" I yelped, but she kept her hand over my mouth tightly. Peridot held a finger to her lips, and I noticed blood on her hand. She stayed pinned against me in this little corner, my mouth still covered. I looked down, and noticed three nasty stab wounds in her stomach. 

I gasped, and Peridot shushed me again. We heard footsteps, and she pushed me farther into the wall. I held my breath, watching as a tall woman walked by with a bloody knife in her hand. "Where are you, Peridot?~You can't hide forever~" her voice boomed. She had short spiky blonde hair, and a long trench coat with a yellow diamond insignia on the back. A cigar sat in her mouth, and she looked around with her glowing golden eyes. Yellow Diamond!

After about 10 minutes of searching, Yellow Diamond finally gave up and walked out of the alleyways, out of sight. Peridot released my mouth and we both let out a breath of relief. "Peridot! Y-you're alive! What happened?! God, that looks bad!" I ranted frantically, looking at her hands over where her stab wounds are. She looked like she was on the verge of tears, and she was shaking. She also seemed to lose her jacket - again. All she did was sob in reply, and run into me for a tight hug.

I quickly hugged back, and listened to her pained sobs. "It's gonna be okay...we're gonna figure this out, okay?" I whispered to her, stroking her back. I released from the hug for a moment just to take my jacket off. I put it on her and wrapped my arms around her again. She hugged my waist extremely tightly, and I pulled my phone out of my back pocket - it was cracked from the fall I took a few minutes ago. I called Garnet, and after a few rings she answered. 



"Lapis? What's wrong?"

"Peridot just got stabbed...Yellow's gang is still alive. She's walking the streets as we speak!"


"You guys are in danger! We need to get home now!"

"Meet us at the bikes. Be quick." 


Peridot's POV:

The wounds in my stomach were aching and stinging so badly, I thought I was gonna bleed out on the way home. Thankfully Lapis drove fast, and when we arrived at Steven's house, she immediately grabbed a towel and told me to lay down. With a little struggling I admit, I laid down and groaned in pain. She put pressure on the wounds with the towel, and I yelped. "AAAAAUUUUHAHHHUGHHH!!!" I sobbed, digging my fingers into the Skittles scented carpet. "Shhh I know I know, but I have to do this, Peri." Lapis said, pushing me back down.

Tears were rushing down my face as I grunted and squirmed - the pain was unbearable. "Pearl's gonna clean it, okay? Everything's gonna be just fine, okay?" Lapis assured, giving me a caring look. Pearl then knelt in front of me with Peroxide and cloth. Lapis gave me her hand to squeeze, and I looked at her worriedly. "L-Lapis..." I whimpered, and I squeezed it tighter. "Okay, Peridot. take a deep breath." Pearl said, and I did so. She then dumped the Peroxide on the cloth and dabbed and stroked the wounds with the wet fabric. 

"aaaaAAAUGHHH!!!" I groaned in agony, squeezing Lapis's hand so hard, that she began to cringe. "MOTHER OF GOD IT HURTS SO BAAADDD!!!" I screeched as Pearl put more of the damned chemical on my poor body. "Peridot you have to stop moving!" Pearl complained. "I CAN'T STOP MOVING WOMAN!!!" I growled, glaring at her. Lapis sighed and rolled her eyes.

-45 minutes of painful screaming later-

I was all bandaged and stitched up and ready to go back to the barn with Lapis. After talking to the Crystal Gems about Yellow Diamond's gang, Lapis and I said our goodbyes and left to her bike once again. "You sure you okay, Peri?" Lapis asked, looking back at me as I wrapped my arms around her waist. "Y-yeah...just a little sore is all..." I muttered. "Okay..." she started the motorcycle and we drove off to the broken down building we called home.

We Don't Have a Choice (Killing Me Slowly Sequel) Lapidot AUWhere stories live. Discover now