Chapter 7

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After Pearl finished squawking at us, Steven explained that they have another mission to do and they wanted us to go with them this time. "Why do we have to go this time?" Lapis asked, slightly agitated. "Apparently we need a whole search party because Sadie claimed that she saw some Diamond Authority activity earlier." Pearl explained. "Diamond Authority?! But you guys literally killed everyone!" I said, throwing my arms up. "But what about those corruptions we saw yesterday?" Amethyst chimed in.

"That's why we're going. Some gang members could've gotten away during our ambush." Garnet replied, crossing her arms. "Alright, let's go then." I said, standing up and getting my leather jacket. Lapis groaned, but did the same, taking her pocket knife and gun. We walked out of the house, and as I was walking down the steps, Amethyst stopped me. "Yo, Peri. I could drive Pearl's motorcycle and you could ride with me. Pearl could ride with Lapis!" Amethyst claimed, putting her hands on her hips. "A-actually I was gonna ride with Lapis..." I replied.

"Aw c'mon, Peri. It'll be fun." She wiggled her eyebrows, making me extremely uncomfortable. She started walking towards me and I backed up into a wall. "N-no really Amethyst, I-I'm oka--" a hand then landed on Amethyst's shoulder, clearly startling her. The short girl turned around to find Lapis standing there with a cold expression. " this girl giving you issues?" she asked in a frighteningly dark tone. "U-uh n-no not all! Just teasin' her is all!" Amethyst said, shoving her shaky hands in her pockets.

Lapis then blew a puff of smoke in Amethyst's face and walked up to me. She intertwined her fingers with mine and we started to walk away. I turned around to see the short girl's reaction and she trudged away, hopping onto Pearl's bike. Lapis hoisted me up onto her bike and handed me her cigarette. I took one long drag and then flicked it onto the road. Steven was riding with Garnet. I wrapped my arms around Lapis's waist and she revved the engine, and off we went.

We arrived in these dark streets, and it seriously gave me a bad vibe. I looked around as we both hopped off of the bike. "I don't really like this place, guys..." Steven muttered in a nervous voice. "My thoughts exactly..." I replied, noticing eerie dark shadows painting every corner. "Okay guys, we're gonna split up. Lapis and Peridot, you two go down that street. Pearl and Amethyst, you guys go down that one. Steven and I will look down the more shallow streets." Garnet commanded. "You two better not just go off and make out somewhere." Pearl remarked. "Can't make any promises..." Lapis replied, smirking.

Pearl scoffed, and walked away with Amethyst following behind. Lapis and I walked into probably the darkest alleyway on the block, and I used the flashlight on my cell phone. I trembled, and Lapis looked over at me. She wrapped an arm around me, and I smiled at her. She blushed and looked the other way, and it was adorable. "Alright...Diamond Authority, huh?" she said, her voice echoing the concrete walls. " do you feel about it?" I asked, looking over at her. I felt her arm shift from around my shoulders to on my lower back. 

"" Lapis didn't really answer and she looked at the ground. "Are you okay?" I asked, starting to get worried. "Just...a lil' scared is all...okay terrified actually..." she muttered. "Don't worry Laz...I may be small, but they're gonna have to go through me before they try hurting you." I said, trying to reassure  her. "That's exactly what I'm afraid of..." Lapis said quietly. I raised an eyebrow in confusion. "I don't want them to hurt you. If the Diamond Authority is still alive, they definitely want me dead - and if it means getting through you to do it, they won't hesitate..." Lapis explained with a shaky voice.

She then cleared her voice and shook her head, trying to be tough. "Lapis...I'll be don't have to live in fear...we'll find these gang members and stop them, okay?" I told her, putting a hand on her shoulder. Lapis took a deep breath and closed her eyes. "O-okay..." she replied, and pulled out her gun. "I'm gonna check this corner, 'k? You check that corner..." she nodded her head over at another corner turning in. I nodded, then pulled my gun out as well.

I walked down the creepy corner slowly, and shined my flashlight all around. The road was damp, and rats scrambled across the ledges. I shuddered, and wrapped my arms around myself. There was writing on the walls, and I walked up to it to take a closer look. I shined my phone at the writing, and adjusted my visor to read it. The bright yellow spray paint looked really fresh and once I read the letters, I felt sick to my stomach. A large 'YDA' was plastered across the wall, and I backed up slowly. 

"Oh're alive..." I whispered, breathing heavily. "WAH!!" I yelped when I backed up into something - no...someone. Thinking it was Lapis, I turned around quickly and looked up at the person. Oh're not Lapis. The tall, intimidating silhouette raised their arm up with something in their hand and I pulled out my gun by instinct. I tried reloading it, but my hands were super shaky.

Lapis's POV:

I peeked in every corner, but I could not find any trace of the Diamond Authority. Hm...but I wonder what gang those corrupted members were fro--A horrified and painful shriek then filled the air, startling the living shit out of me. Five clumsy gunshots followed after the scream and I gasped, immediately pulling my gun out. "PERIDOOOT!!!" She kept screaming and grunting and I ran as fast as I could towards the sound. "I'M COMING PERIDOT!!!" I hollered, trying to run faster. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck

The street was damp from rainwater and I slipped and landed on my back. "AGH FUCK!!" I shouted, my back throbbing. I ignored the sheer pain and got back up, picking up my gun and continuing to run. Heavy breathing and quiet sobs now filled my ears and I felt tears filling my eyes. Please don't be dying please don't be dying please don't be dying, I repeated in my head over and over extending my legs as far as they go to pick up speed. My lungs and legs ached but I didn't care. 

There was now silence, and that scared me even more.

We Don't Have a Choice (Killing Me Slowly Sequel) Lapidot AUWhere stories live. Discover now