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"Yea... he did. It'll be here in about 15 minutes" Cody said. I took my drink and went to go sit down in the living room.

"Can we watch a movie?" I said turning on the TV.

"What are you in the mood for babe?" Sawyer says sitting down next to me.

"Something scary" I said looking through the movies. Cole sits on the other side of me and was texting someone on his phone.

"Have you seen Insidious?" Zack says sitting down on the opposite couch. I look at him and he smiles at me.

"I have"

"The second one?" he asked.

"No" I said and he smiles.

"Good, we can watch that" he said and I laugh.

"Okay..." I said clicking the movie and it starts. The movie starts to play and I lean on Sawyer. I couldn't really focus on the movie because my mind fogged up thoughts of Dylan. That Ava girl is actually pretty and what if they are dating. I mean it would make sense. They've probably known each other since he's moved down here. When the pizza arrived we all decided to sit around the table and eat while the movie still played.

"So what is there to do here Zack?" Viola asked.

"A lot actually. It's summer vacation so everything's open. Since you guys are Dylan's friends... you probably spend a huge amount of time at the museum, huh?" Zack says and we all look at each other confused.

"Dylan... goes to the museum?" Cole asked.

"Yea, all the time" Eric said continuing to eat.

"Interesting" Viola says as we continue to eat. After we were done eating, I decided to retire back to my room. I wasn't in the best mood and I was tired of everyone asking me if I was okay. I don't want Dylan to ruin my time here. Okay, fine. He doesn't want to be with me, that's okay! Naomi is right, I should just have some fun. The house got quiet and I guess everyone retired to their bedrooms. I don't know why I couldn't sleep. I was literally up the entire car ride. Ugh!

I hear the front door open and close and I roll my eyes knowing it's most likely Dylan and Ava coming back from a night out. I check my phone to see it was coming up on one in the morning. I turn over to the window when I hear soft knocks come to my door. I look over and saw a shadow under the door. The knocks came again and I get out of bed and walked over to the door.

"Who is it?" I asked holding the door knob.

"Dylan... open your door" he said. I bite my lip and opened the door. Dylan stands infront of me and around his eyes were really dark and his eyes were red.


"Come sleep with me" he says and I stare at him. Is this a joke?

"Dylan... go to bed. You're drunk" I said closing the door and he stops it with his hand.

"Only a little, just... Jo. Please come sleep with me"



"Because I don't want to Dylan. You're mean and I don't like you" I say and he shakes his head and leans on the door frame.

"Please" he says and I stare at him. I shake my head and look down. If I go to sleep with him, doesn't mean I forgive him. Doesn't mean anything. Like Naomi said, I'm on vacation. And to lay next to Dylan wouldn't be too bad.

"Fine." I said and he smiles and holds out his hand. I grab his hand and he pulls me into the hallway and I close the door to my bedroom. He pulls me along to his room and I walk inside to see it was a lot bigger than mine. Which made sense, this was the master suite. I couldn't really see what all was in here because it was dark but I made my way to the bed as Dylan closes the door. I lay down and pull the blankets up and I watch as Dylan takes off his shirt and gets in on the other side. How I wish I could see his body. I push my hair out of my face then turned around and that's when Dylan wraps his arm around me pulling me into his chest.

"God have I missed you" he whispers to me. What? Now I know he's drunk. I feel his lips press on my neck and that feeling Dylan wants gave me comes over me again. I turn around and look at him and he stares at me.  Dylan leans in and our lips touch and ugh how I missed them! Dylan hovers over me and starts to kiss on my neck.

"Dylan..." I said and he looks at me. "I just want to go to sleep"

"I'm sorry" he said lying next to me. "I didn't bring you in here to..."

"No it's fine" I said cutting him off. "Let's just go to bed"

"Okay" he said pulling me back into his arms. He kisses my shoulder and I stare at him until my eyes fall heavy and I fell asleep. I guess Dylan was the solution for me actually getting some sleep.

The following morning when I woke up, Dylan wasn't next to me. I slowly sit up and looked in the bathroom and he wasn't there. I threw off the blanket and got out of bed. I push my hair out of my face when I smell cooking and I walk into the kitchen.

"Hey sleepy head!" Sawyer says over the stove.

"Hey" I said sitting down at the breakfast bar next to Cody.

"How'd you sleep?" she asked.

"Good, you?" I asked.

"I always sleep amazing when Cody is next to me" Sawyer said and I roll my eyes.

"In twenty years you and Cody are going to be that boring couple that does the same thing every damn day" Naomi laughs coming into the room.

"In twenty years you're going to be single wishing you had Cody and my boring relationship" Sawyer fires back and I laugh.

"Where's Viola?" I asked and Naomi smiles.

"We had too much fun last night so I'm letting her sleep in" Naomi said and I shake my head.

"You're gross Naomi. Not when we're about to eat breakfast" Sawyer says and we laugh. I look around and I didn't see Cole or Dylan.

"Where's Dylan?" I asked.

"He and that Ava girl went to breakfast earlier" Cody said and I stare at him. What? Seriously? Dylan's going to ask me to sleep with him last night then go have breakfast with another girl? What the fuck?

"Morning everyone!" someone says and I look over to see Cole.

"Morning Cole" Sawyer said.

"Something smells amazing" someone says and I look over to see Ava coming in the house and Dylan following in behind her. Dylan was carrying a backpack and he looks at me and I look down.

"I'm making breakfast, but sorry... I didn't make enough for extras" Sawyer said and I look at her. Did she really say that? I laugh and shake my head.

"Good thing I ate earlier" she rolls her eyes. "Come on Dylan" she said walking down the hall and Dylan follows her. We hear the door shut and I just rolled my eyes. They really just went into his bedroom? Is he serious? What if I didn't wake up? Sawyer puts Cody and my food infront of us and I smile at her.

"Thank you" I said picking up my fork. Sawyer made waffles and eggs and they were delicious.

"Of course. Cole come get some sit down and eat!" Sawyer says.

"Okay mother" he says and we all laugh. Sawyer hands him a plate and he walks around and sits on the other side of me. How could Dylan go to breakfast with Ava? He literally just slept with me last night. "Jo..." Cole says and I look at him. "May I have the syrup?"

"Oh sorry... yea" I said handing him the bottle and going back to eating my food.

"See you guys later" someone says and we turn around to see Ava leaving the house. No one says anything and Dylan comes into the kitchen.

"So like... you guys are dating right?" Naomi asked as Dylan pulls out a mountain dew from the fridge. I was curious to know the answer too.


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