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After Dylan and I got a towel, we all sat down at the table and Sawyer acted as our mother placing all the food on the table.

"Guys, look what the cashier gave me at the store" Sawyer said sitting down and she passed around a flyer. "Next week at that country club place there is taco and karaoke night! We should go!"

"Yea, I want to. Tacos sound yummy" I said putting potato salad on my plate.

"I'm down for some karaoke" Naomi says taking a bite out of her burger.

"Oh! I need two cute outfits for Dylan's art show and for Naomi's fashion show" Sawyer said.

"Didn't you guys just do a bunch of shopping?" Cole asked and we laugh.

"Yea but not particularly for these events" Sawyer answers.

"Naomi don't you start rehearsal tomorrow?" I asked.

"Yea! I'm so excited and super nervous" she said stuffing her face.

"Shouldn't you take it easy babe? Don't models have to be super thin and eat a carrot a day?" Viola says.

"Umm... not me. When I want to eat, I'm going to eat" Naomi says and we laugh. I look over at Dylan and he was texting away on his phone. I didn't want to be that girl and look through his phone but whoever he's texting got his attention. Dylan looks over at me and I bite my lip.

"Chill out" he says and I roll my eyes and looked away from him. After we were finish eating, I went to my bedroom to change into a new bikini and a cover up. "Hey" someone says and I turn around and Dylan was looking at me. He was wearing dark jeans, a white shirt, and a black leather jacket.

"Hey" I said.

"Put some shoes on, I want to take you somewhere"


"Stop asking questions and come on" Dylan says and I roll my eyes. I bend down and started to put on my shoes. "Yo, wassup?" Dylan says and I look up and Cole was standing at my door. He looks at me and I move my hair out of my face.

"Nothing, umm... what are you guys doing?" Cole said.

"We're about to head out for a little" Dylan answers.

"Oh okay cool" Cole says.

"Did you need something?" Dylan asked and Cole looks at me and I stand up.

"No" he said looking down. "You guys have fun" Cole adds and he walks away. Dylan looks over at me and I stare at him.

"What's up with him?" he asked.

"I'm not sure, that's your best friend. Shouldn't you know?" I said.

"Funny. Come on" Dylan said putting his hand out. I grab his hand and he pulls me along. We walk into the living room and Sawyer looks at me.

"Ugh! Where are you guys going?" she asked.

"We will be right back" Dylan says pulling me to the door.

"Sorry..." I said to Sawyer and she rolls her eyes. Cole was in the kitchen drinking his beer and I hurry to turn around and left with Dylan. We walk to the car, and get in and he starts it. "Where are we going?" I asked.

"My special place" Dylan said driving onto the main street. Dylan rest his hand on my thigh and I smile at him.

"Is this a date?" I asked.

"No" Dylan said straight forward. Way to kill the mood.


"Jo, just chill. We will be there in a minute" Dylan said turning up the music. It was a Maroon 5 song and I look out the window. Ugh! I'm going to have to talk to Cole sooner or later. I can't keep avoiding him. It obviously was a mistake and I need to tell him that so we can move on with our lives. Maybe... that's why he came to talk to me. He wants to make sure I won't tell Dylan and I won't. I can't imagine what Dylan would do if he found out. It was a mistake, wasn't it? I put my fingers to my lip. "What's wrong?" Dylan asked and I look over at him.

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