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I walk back down the hall to the living room.

"Alright, I got everything I need" Dylan says coming out and I stare at him in his suit. It amazes that I once had him before.

"You look nice... Dylan" I say and he looks at me. We're friends, we're allowed to compliment each other like that, right?

"Thanks Jo" he laughs.

"Do you want some coffee?" I asked going into the kitchen grabbing a coffee canister.

"I put on a suit and I drink coffee now?" he asked and I laugh.

"Do you want a red bull?"

"That's more like it" he says and I open the fridge and grabbed a red bull. I turn around and set it on the counter and Dylan was looking at his phone.

"Are you nervous?" I asked.

"No" he answers looking at me. He walks over grabbing his red bull then picks up a book-bag leaning on the wall. Oh boy. He unzips the bag and shows me the inside and I look up at him. "Chill out. It's just my resume and a portfolio of my art pieces" he said and I grabbed the coffee and pour it into a mug. "Damn, I make a bad decision and I'm forever going to be judge about it"

"I wasn't judging you" I said looking at him.

"Well, I'm leaving, if you could take Kinks for a walk today. That'll be great"

"I will"

"Thanks" he said opening the door.

"Good luck Dylan" I said and he smiles at me as he closes the door. I bite my lip and shut my eyes. Ugh! I really hope Dylan gets the job. He deserves it and I think it'll be great for him. I decided to stay at the house the rest of the day. I was on my laptop getting work done myself. I had a lot of stuff to do and I didn't want to leave Kinks alone. By the time Cole came back, I was in the kitchen because I felt in such a giving mood, I cooked dinner.

"Smells good babe" Cole says coming behind me kissing my cheek.

"And it's almost done. Go get changed so we can eat and watch TV"

"Yes ma'am" he says going to his bedroom. I put pasta and breadsticks on two different plates and walked into the living room placing them on the table. I went to grab us drinks from the fridge and sat down on the couch. "What are we watching?"

"Prison Break" I said putting on the show.

"You are so perfect you know that?" he says and I look at him. "Dinner, you watch Prison Break, and you're hot. What more can I ask for?" he says leaning over to kiss me. The door then opens and Cole and I both look over. Dylan walks in and looks at us.

"Smells good" he says closing the door.

"How'd it go?" Cole asked as Dylan puts his keys on the counter.

"Well apparently a lot of people know a lot of shit about me in this town, go figure" he laughs taking off his shoes. "And I'm not just talking about because of my last name" he adds going into the fridge to grab a water. "I didn't get the manager job, but I get to work at a call center"

"A call center?" I asked.

"It's the art exhibits call center so I'm still there. But get this..." he said walking around the counter. "I get my own cubicle. I have to wear a suit every day except Friday because like hello... it's casual Friday. The best part is not the thirty minute lunch break, the best part is I'm allowed to decorate my cubicle. I'm thinking about putting pictures up of my family and friends. It'll be adorable" Dylan says sarcastically as he walks back to him bedroom.

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