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I open the door to Dylan's shop and Dylan was leaning over a table. He glances back at me and rolls his eyes. It is so unbelievable how angry he is at me. Like does he know this is how I felt? And to go and embarrass Cole like that in front of everyone? I pick up the bat at the door and swung at a lamp on a table and it breaks. Dylan turns around and looks at me.

"CHILL OUT!" he yells. I slam down on the table in front of me and the glass shatters everywhere. "JO STOP!" I ignore him and continue to break anything I see in sight.

"FUCK ME HUH?" I yell as I smash another table and the glass hits the ground.

"I SWEAR JOSEPHINA IF YOU DON'T STOP!" he yells trying to come over to me and I smash a painting on his wall. I swing the bat around and Dylan ducks just in time. He comes up to me and tries to take the bat away.

"NO! STOP!" I yell.

"GIVE IT TO ME!" He yells and rips the bat from my hand. I stare at him with tears streaming down my face. Dylan looks at me and slams his lips to mine. The taste of alcohol fills my taste buds and I hear Dylan drop the bat. I pull away from Dylan and continue to cry.

"I HATE YOU" I yell and he takes my shirt ripping it open. Why are we so angry at each other but yet we're about to have sex? Dylan's pulls off my pants and picks me and sets me down on the table. I take the hem of his shirt pulling it over his head and he rips off my underwear. Dylan unzips his pants and he didn't even give me time to acknowledge what the hell we are doing when he comes inside me. "SHIT" I yell. Dylan continues to thrust inside me and I hold onto him tight biting down on his shoulder. The table hits the wall each time Dylan eases in and out of me and I can't believe this is happening like this.

Dylan eases out of me and pushes me away and I was so happy that he kept it short because I have a lot to say to him... once I get my breathing back. He then turns me around and pushes me down. Before I could say anything Dylan thrust inside me and I moan or scream I'm not sure how it's put it but it hurt and was an amazing feeling at the same time. I grip the table as Dylan completely destroys me from behind.

"DYLAN!" I finally yell and he ignores me and continues.

"FUCK!" he says behind me and I close my eyes and let him have his way with me. I feel like we should have talked about this first. Because I wasn't prepared. Dylan starts to slow down and his thrust became deeper.

"I CAN'T!" I scream and my eyes are full in tears. Dylan eases out of me and I hear him breathing heavy behind me. I try to catch my breath and I stay bent over the table. I hear glass break under Dylan's shoes as he walks away from me. So that's it? I slowly stand up and the pain hits me in my lower abdomen. I look down at my clothes on the ground and start to slowly put them back on.

It took me a minute but I finally put on my pants. I look down and saw Dylan's shirt, he ripped mine off so this is the best I was going to do at the moment. I picked up his white shirt and I look around, Dylan has not came from wherever he went. The pain in my body was so strong, and I hurry to wipe my tears away. I look around for a broom and when I found one, I slowly made my way to it. The pain almost felt like I was punched multiple times. I grab the broom and started to sweep up the glass on the ground.

When I had all the glass in a huge pile that's honestly all I could do, I was in so much pain. I look around and there still was no Dylan. I put the broom down and grabbed my keys and left the warehouse. I made my way to Viola's car and got in and started it. I waited for a minute hoping Dylan would come out but he didn't.

I start the car and drive to the main roads to head back to Dylan's place. I left the music off and just reminisced what just happened. I mean I thought when we slept together again it would be more romantic but I guess not. When I got back to the house, it was dark and it was quiet. I walk to my bedroom and I shut and locked the door. I go to the bathroom and slowly started to take off my clothes. I start the shower and stared at myself in the mirror. I shake my head and went into the shower and wash away... Dylan. I let the water hit my back and I close my eyes.

After my shower, I throw on a t-shirt and dragged myself to my bed. I was so exhausted and I was in so much pain, I just wanted to sleep. The following morning when I woke up, my body was sore but it didn't hurt as bad as yesterday night. I get out of bed and went to use the bathroom. My mind rolls back to last night and how unprotected we were and I roll my eyes. Great Josephina. After I was done in the bathroom, I go to my bedroom door and opened it.

I start to walk down the hall and the smell of coffee surrounds the air and I emerge into the kitchen. I hear Viola and Naomi talking in the living room and The Refugee music plays in the back ground. I look over look to see Dylan drinking out of his mug leaning against the wall. He stares at me and I turn into the kitchen and Cole was at the coffee pot.

"Morning" he said.

"Morning" I said and Cole hands me a cup.

"Just how you like it" he says.

"Thank you" I say and he comes up to me.

"You okay?" he asked.

"Yea... I'm fine" I said and he stares at me. I get chills feeling him on me and he smiles. Cole leaves the kitchen and I look over to see Dylan looking at me. Oh boy. I take the mug and put the rim to my mouth and started to drink my coffee. From the corner of my eye I see Dylan walk over to me. He sets his cup down on the counter and comes behind me, pressing his body against me. I slowly put my mug down and close my eyes. Dylan puts his hands on my side and starts massaging me as his hot lips press against my neck. I bite my lip and leaned back on him. He moves his hands to the front of me and gets close to my ear.

"Do you remember last year?" he whispered and I try to think about last year and the first time he touched me. "After you broke it off with me?" he adds. Umm... I don't think now is the perfect time to think about that. "Do you remember what I told you, infront of the court house?" he continues. I try real hard to recall that moment but his hands on me really affects my thinking. "I told you, if you ever made me feel like this again... I'll ruin your life" he whispers and my eyes shoot open. That's not romantic and that doesn't turn me on. I turn around to look at Dylan he steps back from me. He shakes his head and he goes into a smirk.

"What..." I said and he laughs.

"Mmm... baby" he says getting closer to me again. "You just got in the bed with the devil" he smirks while grabbing his mug off the counter and walks out the kitchen. What the hell does that mean?


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