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Once I've touched down in Connecticut, I see Benny wave me down. He hurries over to me and grabs my bags.

"Good to have you home Jo" he says hugging me.

"Good to be home" I said walking out of the airport. A white car waits for us in the front and Benny opens the door. I get in the car when I see my mom texting away on her phone.

"Hi honey" she said not looking up.

"Hey" I said closing the door.

"How was the trip?"

"It was fun"

"Fun? Really? Is that why you've come home two weeks early?" she said putting her phone down and looking at me. I bite my lip and look down. "Josephina... what's wrong?"

"It was awful mom" I said starting to cry.

"Jo what happened?" she said pulling me to her. I started to cry on her shoulder and she rubs my back. "Benny... back to the main house" I hear my mom say. It was a silent car ride back home. When we arrive, my mom walks me up to my old bedroom and I lay down on the bed. "Jo... what happened?" she asked. I was hesitant on telling my mom what happened in Miami. A little of me thought that Dylan and I might actually still work out. However, replaying what just happened in the last 48 hours, I change my mind. I told my mom everything from the beginning when Dylan said he wanted to see other people. To the end, with the whole Brielle situation.

"I was so stupid" I said wiping my face.

"Your father and I will have some words to Brielle" she said.

"Ugh! Don't mom. I just... don't ever want to see her again"

"Josephina" my mom said standing up. "You're forbidden to see that Dylan O'Brien guy again, you hear me?"

"Forbidden? Mom come on" I laugh.

"This is not a laughing matter. Are you serious? Drugs? Money? Guns? And who knows... that bruise on your cheek could actually be from Dylan"

"Mom I told you it wasn't"

"I don't know what to believe!" she said. Is she really angry at me?

"Why are you yelling at me?"

"Because you're smarter than this Josephina! Why would you think to be involve with such an awful guy?"

"He wasn't awful in the beginning"

"Why are you defending him Josephina?" she asked and I stare at her. Why am I defending him? He's done nothing but hurt me and he hasn't even checked up on me. I look down and I hear my mom sigh. "I'm sorry Josephina for being this hard, but tough love. No more Dylan. And if I see you do so... there will be no more money going into your bank account. And that cute apartment will be no more" she says and I laugh and shake my head

"You don't have anything to worry about" I said turning over in my bed.

"Are you hungry?" she asked and I don't respond. "I will have Benny make you something to eat" she says and I hear my room door close. I continue to cry in my pillow. Great mom, she really made me feel better. I stay in my room the rest of the night. I had no appetite at all. The following morning I decided to take a shower and went down to the kitchen. I smelled food and I went to sit down at the dining room table.

"Morning Jo" Benny says putting a plate infront of me.

"Morning and thank you Benny" I say starting to eat my eggs. Benny sits beside me and I look at him.

"So your mother tells me you didn't have a good time in Miami" Benny says and I look down at my plate. "It has something to do with a Dylan?"

"I don't really want to talk about it" I said.

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