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I hurry to cover my mouth as I feel my tears stream down my face. I turn around and run back to my room closing and locking the door. Break up with me? How are you going to break up with me when we just started dating! He literally just asked me out earlier today. I know that I was debating it in my mind to be with Dylan or not. But now knowing that he's going to break up with me I don't want to be without Dylan. I can't be without Dylan. He does the shittiest things but I can tolerate them and I want him.

"Jo?" I hear Cole's voice. I don't answer and he knocks on my door. I hurry to gather myself together. "Jo..."

"What?" I said. I hear him try to open the door and I shake my head.

"Can you open the door?"

"No. I'm really tired and I want to go to bed"

"Can we talk?" he asked.

"Cole please... I just want to go to bed" I said and he doesn't say anything. I hear him walk away from the door. The door knob started to wiggle again.

"Josephina, open the door" Dylan says.

"No" I said.

"Open the damn door or I'll break it" he adds. That's the last thing we need right now. I get up and cut off the light and walk to unlock the door. Dylan opens it and I turn around to walk back to my bed and Dylan grab my arm. He turns me around and I weigh my head down. "Look at me" he says. I don't move. I don't want him to see me with this big bruise on my cheek. At least let me go put some make-up on.

"Please just let me go to bed" I said. Dylan lifts my head up and I meet his eyes. His lip was busted and he too had a couple of bruises on his face.

"Jo I am so sorry"

"I just want to go to bed" I say walking away from him and getting under the blanket.

"Can I sleep with you?"

"Sure" I answer moving over and Dylan gets in. He lays down next to me and my back faces to him. Not only did I not want him to look at me, I didn't want to talk. If we start talking that gives him an open door to break up with me and I wouldn't be able to handle that right now. I need to sleep on everything to come up with a plan. I need to be with Dylan.

"I love you Jo" Dylan says and hearing him say those words made tears stream down my face. It's the way he said it. I reach back to grab his hand and wrapped it around me.

"I love you Dylan" I said and I drifted off to sleep. Dylan wants to break up with me because he wants me to be safe. He feels like he puts me in harms way which... is kinda true but I still want to be with him. I need to think of something to persuade Dylan why we need to stay together.

The next morning when I woke up there was no Dylan. Surprise. I sit up in bed and yawn when I look down on the floor to see... Cole? "Umm...?" I said and he doesn't say anything. I hear him snore and I sit up in bed. I remember last night Dylan and Cole talked about taking watch. But why is Cole is my bedroom?

I get out of bed and went into the bathroom to pee and brush my teeth. I look in the mirror to see my cheek is now a dark purple with green and yellow around it. Great. I hear talking in the kitchen and I honestly didn't want to go out there. After I was finish I walk out of the bathroom and Cole was still laying down on the floor but he was up.

"Morning" he said.

"Morning" I said. "Is there a reason why you're sleeping on the floor in my room?"

"We just wanted to make sure you were alright" Cole said sitting up. The blanket falls and he was shirtless and I look down at his chest and come back up to his face. I go and sit down on the floor next to him and crossed my legs.

"Is Dylan going to break up with me?" I asked and Cole stares at me. "I heard you guys talking last night"


"What gives you the right to tell my boyfriend to break up with me?"

"Jo... we care about you"

"Care about me enough to break my heart?" I asked.

"You need to believe me that I promise it's for the best"

"Fuck you Cole"

"Hey Josephina, breakfast is ready" someone says opening the door. Cole and I both look over to see Sawyer. Her eyes widen and her mouth drops open. "NAOMI!" she yells.

"Sawyer, we're not doing anything" I said when Naomi appears at the door. I stand up and Naomi stares at me and she laughs.

"You have go to be fucking kidding me" she said walking away.

"What the hell? We didn't do anything" I said.

"Jo... we're not talking about Cole. What the hell happen to your face?" Sawyer asked.

"YOU SON OF A BITCH!" I hear Naomi yells. Oh no. I hurry to run up and down the hall and right as I emerge into the living room, I see Naomi slap the shit out of Dylan.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" Dylan yells.

"NAOMI!" I scream going up to her.


"Naomi... he didn't hit me!" I said and she looks at me. Cole and Sawyer appear in the living room.

"Josephina, what happened to your face?" Brielle asked coming from the kitchen.

"I'm fine" I said.

"Oh hell no. Dylan..." Naomi says. I turn to look at Dylan and he stares at Naomi and glances over at me.

"It's my fault" Cole says and we look at him.

"So you hit Jo?" Naomi says.

"What? No" Cole answers. "I just..."

"Cole you don't have to" Dylan interrupts. "I got in some trouble last night, and Jo was with me"

"Trouble? What kind of trouble?" Viola asked.

"Guys I need you to listen and think carefully. When we got robbed, they took my backpack from me. In that backpack... were valuables. Please I need you all to think. Have any of you... talked to anyone new down here in Miami? Have any of you told someone where we stayed? I need you guys to think if you know anyone who would break into this house. Who maybe doesn't like me even..." Dylan says. Everyone looks around all confused.

"Jo... Dylan, what's going on?" Sawyer asked.

"Vince is in town" I said.

"Oh shit..." Viola says.

"Vince? Who's Vince?" Brielle asked.

"A guy who carries a gun" Naomi said and she stares at me.

"Dylan what the hell did you get us into?" Sawyer asked.

"Please just think and everything will go away" Dylan says. Everyone was quiet as we all think about someone we might of talk to.

"Maybe Ava knows some people? I mean she doesn't like you right now" Sawyer said.

"I mean wouldn't Vince do it?" Naomi asked.

"How about Zack? You did punch him and he took Jo home that one night" Viola says.

"I hate to say this but... Brielle? Maybe your boyfriend?" Naomi said.

"What? No" Brielle says.

"I'll keep my options open Brielle" Dylan says and she crosses her arms.

"You know what Brielle... it's funny that you come to Miami, run into Dylan, someone who you said you didn't know. Although you dated his brother and you had to know about him and Josephina. Then after you leave... the house gets broken into" Sawyer said.


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