The Tower

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Glory PoV;

The good thing is, Legend is only a bit sad, apparently the letter she got was from one of the colleagues she met when she got here from the Irene Dimension.

I was in the process of calming her down and making sure she doesn't bawl her face off.

Ash had gone off to run some "errands" aka, I sent him to get things to cheer up Legend because we love her and hate seeing her sad.

I decided to leave her in the hands of Apmau and went out for a walk.

I wanted to relax for a while, with all these crazy events happening lately.

I decided to go out into the woods, farther then I've gone before.

I got to have a lot of alone time and got to see some cool animals.

After a while of walking, I think I had blacked out for a second, I don't remember how I did it, but I stumbled across this huge grey tower like in the story books.

I looked up at it, compelled to go in.

"Yep, that sounds dumb, you only do that kind of thing in books when they find some kind of curse or map or something!" I heard a voice from the bushes.

I turned slowly to see a cloud of smoke expanding and vibrating with each word like a wave pattern.

"Who are you?" I asked, taking a step back, "Oh that's not important," they replied, "All you need to worry about is how to get out~" "What? What do you-"

I blacked out from there.

~time skip~

When I woke up, all I could see was light, when my eyes adjusted to the light, I could see grey walls all around me, I was lying on the floor staring at a very tall ceiling with light shining through a window above.

When I sat up to look around, I spotted a stair case going up.

I looked around and cautiously stood up, slowly walking up the stairs, as soon as my foot hit the second step, my foot slid down, the stair was a pressure plate.

Luckily I didn't get hurt, but the floor at the bottom of the stairs turned into a small pool.

Huh, I wondered, wonder why that happened.. None the less I kept climbing.

It had been a few minutes of walking when another stair went down, I thought something else would open up, but instead the wall beside me pushed me off the stair case!

I screamed as I plummeted into the water below. Soon swimming to the surface I crawled out of the water, gasping for breath.

"Aw come on!!" I yelled into the abyss above, as I stared up at the winding stone stair case.

I flopped onto the floor and looked to my side, only to spot a small pot of ashes.

I decided to leave it and continue up the stairs.

I also decided to skip the second step in fear of the pool closing, and continued my journey.

Ash PoV;

I walked outside of Legend's home, she had made me stay and help her do chores around her home, and I had finally escaped.

I walked home, deciding to calm myself down and relax.

I swear you can never get a break from drama in this town! I thought to myself.

When I got inside I lied down on my bed and closed my eyes, drifting off to sleep.

I was almost asleep when Katelyn burst through my door, "ASH!! GET OVER HERE!!!" she yelled throughout my house.

I grouchily stood up and walked downstairs, "What do you want Katelyn?" I said groggily.

She rolled her eyes, "Have you seen Glory? She's late for her weekly training session with her favorite Katelyn," I snorted a bit, "You're her only Katelyn," "Exactly!" she replied, "But I can't seem to find her,"

Travis poked his head in, "Yeah if you find her, tell me as well. I've been looking everywhere for her!" he said, walking inside and leaning on the counter.

I shook my head at both of them, "Last time I saw her was early this morning, she said she was going for a walk,"

Travis and Katelyn looked at eachother before looking back at me, "Well I say lets go find her," Travis said, crossing his arms, "Though I hate to agree," Katelyn said stubbornly, "I agree,"

I nodded and headed towards the door, "Alright then lets go!"

751 words

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