The Forest

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Glory PoV;

"Uuuhhgg..." I groaned as I lifted my head off of the floor. I was in some kind of den, it was a huge cave like crevice in the side of a giant oak tree with soft fluffy prices of cotton and hay on the floor. "Come on we have to! She can't just be in the forest on her own!" I heard a pretty female voice, "Yes we can! She's a human! She will fit right in!" I heard a deep Male voice whisper yelling at her. I was still pretty tired and dazed from when I woke up, but I still dragged myself to the other side of the tree expecting to see two people, but them I remembered the human comment. Are they not human? I thought to myself as soon as I poked my head out to look at them, they jumped into a defensive stance looking scared and or surprized. "Wha-what are you doing up?!" I could hear their words, but their mouths where barely moving, they where deer. And the female just spoke, to me. "I-i heard voices and came to see wh-who it was.." I replied to her nervously. She seemed to settle down at this, and they both took on normal stances, but the male was still tense. "I'm sorry, I'm Daisy this is Bu-," she was cut off by him nudging her with his shoulder making her wince "Dear, remember the leg, remember the leg," he jumped with an apologetic look on his face. I could now see that she was injured on her leg with a big cut, "Let me see, maybe I can help," I tried pulling out some bandages I was supposed to give to Legend... Legend... "Doll, are you okay? I said you could look," Daisy said to me, "Oh yeah," I replied smiling.

Apparently Daisy had walked through way too many thorn bushes so I had to wrap up her fore leg.

~~•0•Timeskip to 3 months later•0•~~~

I was walking around through the forest, when I heard a loud object hit the floor and start rolling. To go with the rolling I could hear small yelps of pain. I sprinted as quietly as I could towards the noise. When I got there I saw a boy with a panda hat and a blue arctic fox tail. "Suddenly a wild Connor appeared!!" I heard a Far yet close voice "??" The boy looked towards the voice from behind him. There was nothing, so he cursed under his breath and curled into a ball. I could hear small sobs coming from the boy Tsk. Baby, I've dealt with much worse this is nothing. I thought to myself. Thought he did have weak clothing, all wrong, just a school uniform from what I saw at the outskirts of the forest. I accidentally rustled a few leaves in the bush I was in. His head shot up. I could clearly see his face now, he had blonde hair partly covering his left eye which were both a light sky blue, his face dirtied by the fall, and visible tear streaks on his cheeks. "Wh-who's there!?" He yelled in my direction. I had obviously been caught, plus I was curious, so I started to slowly crawl out of the bush.

550 words

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