A night out with the guys

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Authors note: All rights go to S.E. Hinton

I would also like to say thanks to the positive feedback I've gotten and its only been like, a day since I started uploading this story. If you could, please recommend me to others and vote/comment/fan me. I really appreciate it!

I pulled into the Curtis driveway around 5:40. I hate being late, and I didn’t want to get lost and hold the guys up. Nobody was outside, so I walked up and knocked on their front door.

"Oh, hey Jess. You can just come in you know. The doors never locked." Ponyboy told me.

That surprised me, especially because of the area they live in. "Really?"

"Yeah, we always find people on our couch in the morning." He laughed.

I sat down on their couch and looked around. Their house looked nice. It was a little small, and needed a couple repairs. But, it was cozy so I leaned back and made myself comfortable.

"Hey, where is everybody?" I wondered.

"Um, Soda’s in the shower, and Darry’s in the kitchen. Johnny and Dallas will be here in a little bit."

"Oh okay, what about your parents?"

Ponyboy became silent, "They did about a year ago in an auto wreck."

"Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry. That must be so hard for you guys."

"It’s okay."

"Hey Pony, who’s this? Your girlfriend? She sure is purdy." A guy about 19 interrupted. He had dirty blond hair, and a Mickey Mouse cut off T shirt. He was super cute, and I could tell he was the flirt of the group.

"My name is Jessica Jones, I’m new in town."

"Oh yeah, I heard about you. Dallas told me a girl traveled all the way to this dump of a town to go to college."

I laughed, "Yep, that’s me."

Darry and Sodapop came in the living room and we talked for a little while. Then, Dally and Johnny came at 6:15. So much for wanting to be early. I finally met the seventh member of the gang, a good looking dark haired boy named Steve. He had a cool tattoo on his arm, and he LOVES cars. He was Soda’s best friend, and they worked together at the DX station.

"So guys, what do you wanna do?" I asked.

"Well I’ve been wanting to see Gone With the Wind." Ponyboy offered.

Everybody groaned. "Pony, we see that all the time. It’s been out forever!" Sodapop argued.

"Whatever, I’ll just see it tomorrow I guess."

Two bit butted in, "I say we go to the Dingo. I’m hungry."

"You’re always hungry Two Bit." Darry rolled his eyes. "Maybe we should see what Jessica wants to do."

"Okay, fair enough." Two Bit looked disappointed.

"Well actually, I am a little hungry. We could go eat and then see a movie." I tried to compromise. I hate seeing people disappointed.

They all nodded their heads and said okay.

"Alright then, lets go."

Darry, Steve, and Sodapop road in Darry’s pickup truck. I drove Dally, Ponyboy, Johnny, and Two Bit. They were all wound up, especially Two Bit. Johnny was a little more talkative and sat in the passenger seat. Dally and Two Bit were fighting over girls or something, I wasn’t really sure. Ponyboy was just chiming in every now and then.

"So Johnny," I began, "Um, how are you?" I wanted to find out more about him, but I wasn’t sure what exactly to say to break the ice.

"Fine, I guess. What about you?" He seemed a little confused on why I asked him.

"I’m doing good. I hate unpacking though. It takes FOREVER! At least I don’t have a lot of stuff. I left most of it at home."

"Oh." Was all Johnny managed to say. Wow, this kid must be really shy.

"Hey Pony, which way do I turn?" I asked.

"Left, it’s the first place on the right."

"Okay, thanks."  I answered as I pulled into the brightly light bar.

Authors Note:  That was pretty short and boring, but I promise next chapter there WILL be girl drama.  I'm out of school in 3 days and the last ones are half days so I will have time to update more!


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