Those Little Moments...

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Author's Note: Let me know what you guys think!

"Bill, are you sure nobody else can work tonight’s shift? It’s Friday, my day off and I have plans." I try pleading with my boss over the phone. He called asking me to come in because he was short staffed and Friday is one of his busiest days.

"Well, Tiffany quit yesterday, Sandra is out of town, and Rachel is at her aunt’s funeral, so that means you’re coming in!" He tells me firmly.

I sigh, "Fine what time do I start?"

"Seven, and we are staying open until one tonight. There’s a football game at the high school so there will be lots of hungry teens." He responds before hanging up.

"Great! Just perfect! Like I barely have a life outside of school and work, and now I have to go in during my time off." I roll my eyes before collapsing on my bed. I had just got in the door from school before Bill called. I didn’t even get a chance to change out of my sweaty dance clothes, and at this point I don’t even care anymore.

"Jess, who you talking to?" I hear Dally come in the front door. The rest of the guys knock when they come over, but Dallas doesn’t listen to my rules. I don’t really mind, if I didn’t want company, I just have to lock my door and they eventually leave.

"Myself Dal, what’s it to ya?" I say while staring at the cream colored ceiling.

"You know, you should fix that water stain." He replies, referring to the discoloration on the ceiling.

"Yeah, like I know how to do that."

"What’s your problem?" He asks annoyed.

"I can’t hang out tonight, I have to work. If you should even call it work. It’s more like being people’s personal slave for forty five minutes and serving them cheap food."

Dallas walks over to the bed and sits down. "Well, we have two hours. We can have some fun now, instead of tonight."

I raise my eyebrow and look at him innocently. "Like what?"

"I think you know." He hovers over me and plants a kiss on my forehead. Dally’s never done something sweet like that, he usually goes right to my lips so I am taken off guard.

"I think you missed Dally."

"Don’t worry, I know exactly what I’m doing." He replies with a devilish smirk and takes off his leather jacket, revealing a white tank top. He then kisses me on my cheek, and begins moving down to my neck. Within the next few minutes, he has me totally captured under his spell. A thought pops into my head, how far are we gonna go? I definitely don’t want to do... well "it". At least I don’t think I do. I never thought about it, everything’s been happening so fast and Dally’s not one to talk about his feelings much so this whole topic was never brought up.

"Dal, um, I’m sorry but I don’t want to go too far. At least not at the moment." I finally blurt out.

"Why not?" He asks breathing heavily.

"Well, we just haven’t talked about it yet, and I’m not really prepared. Please don’t be mad." I look away from him embarrassed.

Dallas smirks. "I ain’t mad. I don’t wanna make you do something you don’t want to."

"Really?" I ask shocked. "I’ve never seen this side of you Dally. You’re so sweet." I ruffle his hair even though he doesn’t like it when I do with that.

"Don’t think you’re getting away with that Jess." He says fixing his hair. "Nobody’s seen this side of me,

"And why not?"

"Cause hoods from New York don’t show their feelings. You know I’ve been arrested before? I was young too." He sits up and leans against the wall.

"How young?" I say surprised. I knew Dallas has been in trouble before, but I didn’t know he was actually in jail.

"Ten maybe. After that I’ve probably been in jail about eight times. I lose track after a while."

I stayed silent, trying to comprehend that. Ten years old, and in jail. When I was ten I was taking dance classes, trying to start Pointe.

"Yeah, well you weren’t a greaser in New York now were ya?" He answers.

"I didn’t mean to say that out loud Dally." I apologize sitting up to face him.

"Well, as you can figure out being arrested that young gives you a reputation and being a softy doesn’t fit that."

"Well, I like softies." I smile planting a small kiss on his lips.

"And I like you." Dally smiles back before pulling me into his arms and giving me a passionate kiss.

After a half hour, I finally decided to eat and get ready for work. I made Ramen Noodles, and shared it with Dally. By time I was ready to leave, it was 6:45.

"Well, I guess I better get going Dal. See you tomorrow." I say as he starts down the sidewalk. I tried to give him a ride, but he said he’s headed to the Curtis house which is in the opposite direction.

"Bye babe." He replies simply before doing his bad boy walk away into the distance.

Work sucks, period. Almost any kind of work sucks. Especially if it’s minimum wage and you’re in college trying to actually get a career that you enjoy. Being a waitress is one of the worst career moves I’ve ever made. I came to that conclusion as soon as I saw Bob, Randy, and all the other Socs walk through the door.

"Can you get that table for me Jess? I’m really busy" Karen, my coworker asks will carrying a tray of smoothies and cokes.

"I guess." I fake smile while making my way over to them.

I can already smell the booze, and I’m not even half way over there. My gut is telling me to run, but my legs won’t move as I’m standing right in front of the nastiest Socs in town.

They recognize me- immediately.

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