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******1 week later******

"The court has decided on their verdict and considering they are minors, Robert Sheldon and Randy Adderson will be sent to a reformatory for two months. Dallas Winston will be taken to prison for the same amount of time." I’m not sure how to feel as the judge delivers such bittersweet news. Soda jumps up and gives me a hug while Darry puts a sympathetic hand on my shoulder. Steve and Two Bit are cheering and Ponyboy and Johnny look pleased, but sad like me because one of their best friends is going to jail

I look over to Dallas and see him being handcuffed and guided to the exit. "Wait! Dallas, I need to talk to you!" I begin pushing my way through the crowd but to only be pulled back by Darry.

"Jess, you can’t." He tells me strictly.

"Darryl Shaynne Curtis you better release me right now or I swear I will-" I start threatening but then stop when I realize that Dally is already gone.

"It’s okay, you can visit him as much as you want. Two months will be over before you know it and you and Dally will be together again, alright?"

I sigh and slump down into a chair. "Okay. I guess I do need these two months to finish healing and work on dance..."

"Exactly, you need to focus on yourself for a bit. Why don’t you come back to the house with us? You know, so you aren’t too lonely." Darry helps me back up.

"Fine." I say simply and then follow him back to his truck.

The way back to the Curtis house nobody says anything. I stare out my window fighting back my tears. "It’s too sunny out today." I sigh as I shift around trying to get comfortable in my seat.

Sodapop looks at me strange. "That’s not something Jessica would say now is it? Come on, cheer up a bit."

"Yeah Jess, those no good son of a..." Steve butts in and begins calling Bob and Randy some pretty colorful names and I eventually lose interest before he can get to the point.

"I’m sorry, it’s just that I won’t even be able to see my boyfriend for two whole months." I answer back bitterly as I turn to my window again.

A minute later Soda says, "I know what can cheer her up. A visit from the tickle monster!" He cries out and begins attacking my sides.

I begin laughing and jerking side to side. "Ow Soda stop! That hurts!"

"Get off of her Sodapop she’s still injured!" Darry tells him firmly while trying to stay focused on the road.

Soda stops immediately. "I’m so sorry Jess. I- I forgot."

I grimace in pain. "It’s alright, I’m fine."

"Are you sure?" He asks.

"Yeah, I’m sure." I say turning back to the window.


Two Bit plops down on the couch next to me. "I hate Sundays!"

"Me too! They’re so boring." Steve agrees.

"Well I usually spend Sundays by myself working out and dancing so how do you think that feels?" I challenge.

"Oh yeah Jess, when are you going back to dance?" Darry pops his head out from the kitchen.

"Next week I hope."

"Well that’s good." He says and returns back to cooking dinner.

"Hey guys, is dinner ready?" Ponyboy walks through the front door with Johnny.

"Almost, where have you been little buddy?" Soda runs up and throws Pony over his shoulders.

"Put me down Sodapop!" He argues which only encouraged Soda to run around the house.


I roll my eyes as they head to their room and I hear a flop onto their bed. "You guys better settle down!" I call out to them.

Johnny comes over and sits on the other side of me and says with a laugh, "Settle down’s not in Soda’s vocabulary."

"You got that right Johnnycakes." Two Bit smiles and then turns his attention back to Mickey Mouse on the T.V.

After dinner I decide to head home. "Well, I’ll see you later."

"Wait Jess, I’ll drive you. It’s getting pretty dark out." Darry grabs the keys before I could protest. He usually would offer to ride me, but I guess after what just happened, nobody is gonna let me wander around Tulsa alone.

Ten minutes later we pull up to my apartment. "Thanks Darrel." I say and shut the passenger door.

"Hey Jess." Darry calls out from his rolled down window.

"Yeah Dar?"

"If you ever need to talk to someone, you know we’re all here for ya."

"Yeah I know." I kick at the ground making a rock roll down the street.

"Alrighty then, see ya later." He says.

"Bye Darry." I call back and watch as he drives off.

Once I get into my apartment, I lock the door behind me and slide down to the floor in fetal position. I cry so hard that I’m sure everyone down the hall can hear. This isn’t fair, I think to myself. Dallas is innocent. How am I supposed to deal with having my boyfriend in jail? What is everyone gonna think of that? Especially the people at the University. They are already snobby and judgmental, they’re sure to get a kick out of this. Plus, I’m gonna be a good two weeks behind. What are my teachers gonna say? They think any dancer that’s in a relationship isn’t serious about being a professional, let alone someone who is dating a criminal.

Oh God, Dallas is a criminal. I knew he had a jail record before, and I guess he was considered one but that was when he was a minor. Now, Dallas is legal and has to deal with full consequences. The Socs have another reason to hate me. I put the two most popular Socs in a reformatory. I know I should be relieved that they got punished, but my life seems to just be getting worse.

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