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Why is she so dark?
Why did you marry her?
How come you didn't marry a girl wth lighter skin?

This was all I hear ever since David introduced me to his parents. They have never approved of me because my skin was darker.

Growing up I've always been talked about because of my skin color. Even through my high school years I would be the only "darker girl" in my class. But I never let myself become insecure because of the color of my skin.

I've learned to appreciate the color of my skin and I've fallen in love with it. I could make simple colors like orange or yellow look the most beautiful color ever.

I met David my junior year of high school and believe me when I say it wasn't a walk in the park. He sat next to me in geometry class along with two of his other friends. I never really had many friends except Jordyn.

Usually everyone would socialize before class started but, me being me I kept to myself not that I didn't want to talk to anyone I just kept to myself .

I looked up after I felt someone tap my shoulder.

"Aye you gotta pencil I could borrow?" he asked showing his row of perfect teeth. I mentally rolled eyes. This was becoming a daily routine for us.

" I have pencils, not for you though." I smirked being petty. He looked down at me smiling. His smile could kill.

"Just let me borrow one." he said. I held the pencil out to him then quickly pulled it back before asking him

" Are you gonna give it back ." I asked knowing damn well I wasn't getting it back.

"Come on now, you know you're not getting it back. Imma lose it before the end of class." he laughed. Before snatching the pencil out of my hand.

About a year later we started becoming closer one  thing lead to another and I became  pregnant with our first child and that's when his parents really started to hate me. And my parents basically disowned me, but I don't care I would trade my baby for anything in this world and I don't regret having her.

They said Michelle wasn't his child because she was a brown skinned baby and if she was they would never treat her like the rest of their grandchildren.

It broke my heart to even think about her not being excepted because of the color or her skin.

I know it bothered David but he tried not to show it. He told me to fuck what they had  to say that he loved me and Michelle regardless of what anyone thought even if that meant not being close with his own parents.


Janey Brewer | 4 years later

Janey Brewer | 4 years later

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