"Lucy... Lucy... LUCY WAKE UP IT'S CHRISTMAS!" Josh pounces on my bed, "SANTA CAME."
"Josh, you're an adult." I sigh and rub my eyes.
"And? Santa came and if you do not get up in the next 5 minutes I will carry your ass right out to that tree." Josh stands up, off of me, and stands at the foot of my bed.
"Let me just brush my teeth and I'll be right out." I get up and look at the time; 7:15 AM, just fabulous. I brush my teeth and hair and throw on leggings and a t-shirt before heading out to the living room.
Our tree isn't filled with presents like you would normally want to wake up to, but it's just me and Josh. Plus, I don't need much. I hand Josh the first box I see is for him, "You wanna open the first gift?"
Basically, I got Josh a pair of sweatpants from American Eagle, a jean jacket from Tommy Hilfiger, a lens for his new camera his friends got him, a pair of Raybans sunglasses and finally, a saucer chair for his room. Not much but each thing was expensive so he was very appreciative.
In return, Josh got me Pandora ring with my birthstone of light green, white lights to hang around my room, a few beanies, a Morphe pallet and the Better Than Sex mascara I'm sure he struggled to find in Sephora.
"Thank you so much, I know you have to be here for me whether you like it or not and I know I'm a pain in your ass but I love you no matter what, Josh." I get up to hug him after we finish opening each others presents.
"I wouldn't have it any other way, Luce, and I promise that I will never leave you." Josh gets up and walks up to the tree to grab the other presents under there. "And now we open Finn's presents to us."
Josh got a pair of Allstars, Beats headphones because Finn broke his last ones and a shirt that probably says something dumb that no one gets but him.
I open the first box and it has three sweatshirts, two of which Finn wears 24/7 and the other is a maroon sweatshirt that says, "Derry, ME. THE LOSERS CLUB." with a picture of Georgie's boat in the middle. (I actually have this sweatshirt and I LOVE it.) I also got a cropped Tommy Hilfiger shirt.
Finn apparently wanted to get us sugar high, too, because we have a huge bag full of different candies.
"I think those sweatshirts are for me, not you."
I scoff, "I don't think so. You wanna watch Lemonade Mouth?'
"Fuck yes."
This is how our holidays are usually spent because we lost contact with most of our family after Dad's death. We're fine with it, though. We enjoy each others company.
After Lemonade Mouth and both Camp Rock 1 and 2, plus some episodes of Big Time Rush, we're adults we know, I text Finn.
To Wolfie
TYSM I'm literally wearing ur sweatshirt already
From Wolfie
I miss u
To Wolfie
miss u too. u gonna be here for new years???
From Wolfie
planning on it but ill lyk. btw dad says hi
To Wolfie
tell ur fam hi and merry xmas and tell nick imma beat him in Mario kart one day
From Wolfie
he said u wish but ive gtg to dinner, old people fr need dinner at 3 in the afternoon?? xx
To Wolfie
call u later xx
"Ready to go to linner now?" Josh puts on his jacket I got him and the Allstars from Finn after I get ready.
"Let's go."

My Brothers Best Friend ☾ Finn Wolfhard
Fanfictiona girl finds love in her brothers best friend