"What time are we meeting there?" Jack asks over the phone.
"How about 12? So, half hour?" I tie my white Adidas and brush my fingers through my hair.
"See you then." The line goes flat and I put my phone down.
Finn left last night, making it Monday. Jack insisted we met as soon as possible and I, unsurprisingly, was free today. "See you later, Josh!" I yell out.
"Bye!" I hear faintly.
I grab my wallet and walk out of my apartment, starting my short walk to the restaurant I am meeting Jack at. Apparently Ellie wanted to come with but I refused to let her. She always seems to ruin my mood one way or another.
After the 15 minute walk, the restaurant finally comes into view and I see Jack standing by the entrance. An idea pops into my head and I smirk.
I begin to run towards him and start squealing, "OH EM GEE JACK DYLAN GRAZER!" Before he can see my face I wrap my arms around his next and hug him tight. He nervously chuckles and tries to pry my arms off of him but I don't budge.
"If you let go, I uh- I'll..." Jack begins to panic.
"Chill, Dicklicker." I pull away and look him in the eyes, "It's just me."
"I almost shit myself, Lucy. That was not funny." Jack pulls me in, hugging me properly this time and then takes my hand to lead me into the restaurants front doors.
The old woman at the front looks up as we walk in and smiles, "Table for 2?"
"Yup," I nod. The woman picks up two menus and looks back up, "Follow me."
She brings us to a back booth, in a secluded corner. We sit down across from each other and our waitress, Rose, gives us some time to look at the menu.
"Strawberry lemonade?" I look up at Jack as he ponders over the food for a few seconds.
"Obviously. When have I gotten anything other than that?" Jack replies as if it's the most obvious thing in the world.
I order the same drink when Rose comes back around and we order the three-in-one appetizer; mozzarella sticks, fried pickles and boneless buffalo bites.
As my entrée I get chicken fingers and French fries while Jack gets a bacon cheeseburger with fries. "We are so fat." I chuckle as I take a sip of my drink.
Jack shrugs and picks his phone up off of the table. I can't tell what he goes on but he points his camera at me and sings, "Smile."
I stick my tongue out and wink at the camera. "Damn, I am the boomerang king." He turns his phone so I can see it and I give his props, it actually turned out well. Jack moves over onto my bench and we start taking pictures while eating our appetizers. He moves back to his spot and we chat for a while.
"Alright, so here is your chicken fingers and here is your burger. You guys need anything else?" Rose questions. We shake our heads no and she walks away.
"I feel like I need to talk to you about dating Finn now." Jack puts one of his fries in his mouth.
I roll my eyes, "You're not his dad-" "-no but I'm his best friend. If you hurt him I will have to defriend you."
I nod in understanding, "I know, Jackie boy, but I will not hurt him. I promise."
"Don't break that promise." Jack warns.
We talk about random things as we eat more of our food, and Rose brings us the bill. When we pay and walk out of the building, guys with cameras are outside waiting for us. As soon as they see us walk our, their cameras are up pointing at us.
"Jack! How you feeling about IT's sequal? Will the 2017 cast be in it?" Jack just smiles at the guys, I'm sure he has been trained not to say anything in case he spoils something.
"Finn Wolfhard's girlfriend right?" I nod and politly smile before looking away. "Are you two cheating with each other?" I give the man who suggests this a face that obviously tells him he's wrong. Jack just scoffs and pulls me away from them.
"I can't stand these people." Jack mumbles.
"I can tell."

My Brothers Best Friend ☾ Finn Wolfhard
Fanfictiona girl finds love in her brothers best friend