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"Where are you going?" Finn asked over FaceTime as I finished curling my hair.

"Ronnie and I are going to a party down the road." I pick my phone up and give him a wink.

"Not looking like that, your not."

I chuckle and raise an eyebrow. "Who are you? My dad?" It's 8:30 now and Ronnie was going to be here any minute now. "What do you want me to wear then? Sweats and a hoodie?"

I look at him and see that he is dead serious when he says, "Yes. And go shower, no make-up and a messy bun. Some one is going to try to steal you away from me looking like that."

"You're funny, but hey. I have got to run now, Ronnie just texted me that she's here." I swipe chapstick over my lips one last time. "Talk to you tomorrow?"

"See you then, baby girl." Finn smirks and I inwardly cringe. I hate his stupid cheesy nicknames he calls me; baby, babe, baby girl, and worst of all. Sweetie. He sounds like my grandma.

I hang up and head out the front door. Once again, Josh was at his friends. I don't mind though, it's easier for me to go to parties like this.

I see Ronnie's brothers car and walk to it, jumping in the backseat. This party isn't necessarily a party, more of a hang out. Some of Ronnie's friends wanted to hang out, including her beau, so she insisted I came with her for moral support.

We held small talk in the car but as soon as we pulled up to the house we were supposed to be at, Ronnie pulled me out of the backseat of the car immediately.

"Bye! Thanks for driving us!" I shout at the car pulling away. He beeps twice and waves back.

"C'mon, Lucy!" Ronnie pulls my arm and makes me basically run along side her.

I chuckle, "Eager, aren't we?" We reach the front door and Ron knocks, well bangs, on the wooden frame.

"Good to see you two made it," Connor greets as he opens the door and grins. "Everyone is in the living room."

I give him a quick side hug and pull away. I decide to leave these two alone and walk myself into the area where everyone is socializing. I recognize some of these people as the guys Connor was with at the other party.

Connor and Ronnie walk in shortly after I started a conversation with Jack, Connor's best friend.

"So, how's dating a famous dude and having famous friends?" Jack jokes, handing me a sprite.

"Well it's pretty cool, yet so annoying at the same time. I get to borrow my friends designer clothes but then again, you get followed around with cameras all of the time when you're out in public." I take a sip of the bubbly beverage. "There's always those stupid fucking rumors too. Can't ever escape those."

"Yeah, I heard you were cheating on Finn with a girl yesterday." He laughs, but then his expression changes real fast. "Wait, that's not true right?"

"No, stupid." I roll my eyes. My phone starts vibrating. Once again, Finn is blowing up my phone.

fuck face
youre not kissing other boys again are you?????? lol pls don't

I scoff and text him back informing him that the only person I'm kissing is him. He responds with a, you better not be.

For the rest of the party, we all just hung around talked. Nothing really exciting happened, I made some new friends and got their numbers before Ronnie's brother picked us up and dropped me off at my house.

I walk into my apartment and walk through my bedroom door. As soon as I walk in, I basically almost shit my pants. No, not for no reason, but because the jackass that is my boyfriend decided to scream in my ear.

As soon as my heart stops beating erratically, I look up and glare at the giggling mother fucker.


"Suck a dick."

My Brothers Best Friend ☾ Finn WolfhardWhere stories live. Discover now