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"The food was delicious, Ms. Ovalle." Finn has been scarfing down the food I doubt he had time to breathe between bites.

"Thank you so much!" After the table was cleared, Finn and I went up into my room and turned on To All The Boys I've Loved Before.

"This is the best movie I have ever seen. Ever." 

"That's because the main guy is hot."

I mean yeah but not only that. The main character isn't another nerdy turned hot white girl. She is truly half Asian and their family doesn't have stupid-basic stereotypes. Peter is sweet and doesn't end up doing something stupid like cheat on Lara Jean. Sure, the Kissing Booth was good, but this movie kind of reminds me of 13 Things I Hate About You. Both legendary movies.

"Yeah, he's hot." I shrug and pay attention to the movie once again.

"If anyone ever took my scrunchy and you don't do everything you can to get it back I would kill you." 

"Got it. Never lose your scrunchy." Finn repeats. 

I turn and look him dead in the eye. "Never."

I excuse myself for a few minutes so I can go downstairs and talk to my Mom's.

"Hey Mom?" I call out. Val, Josh and Mom are sitting on the couch having what looks to be a deep conversation.

"Yeah, Honey?"

"I've made my decision." 

Josh looks up quickly, looking slightly worried. I don't think he knows what he wants. "What is it?"

"If it's okay with you guys, I will stay with you and Val on weekends and live with Josh weekdays. I've been with Josh for so long I wouldn't be able to live long without him. Until he gets sick of me obviously."

Josh smiles brightly at me then runs to bear hug me. "Thank God, I would be so lonely without you."

We talk about the situation for a bit more then I go head upstairs back to Finn.

"You tell them?" I nod and get comfortable in his arms with my head lying on his chest.

"I think they were satisfied with my answer." We finish the movie then just lay in silence.

"I'm glad you're in my life Lucy." Finn whispers out.

"And I'm glad you're in mine."

Finn kisses my forehead before his breathing slows down to a very steady rhythm.

Falling asleep in his arms is something that I have grown accustomed to over the years, but now it is one of my favorite things to do.

I have never been so happy with where my life has led to. I have a boyfriend who is my best friend. I have a brother who supports me in everything I do. I have a Mom who has come back into my life at just the right time.

I have everything I ever wanted in the palm of my hand.


I'm sorry lol crappy ending but I had to end this story.

follow me and read my other books pls.

thanks to everyone for reading my story and encouraging me to continue writing this.

all the love to you


ps I can't believe I just ended this story I'm actually kinda freaked out it's over. that's all.

My Brothers Best Friend ☾ Finn WolfhardWhere stories live. Discover now