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"Hey, Mom! We just landed and we're at baggage claim right now." I stretch my legs and back.

"That's great! You will have to tell me all about your New York trip when you get home! Have you decided if you're gonna stay at my house?"

I had actually thought about it a lot on the plane ride home, "Yeah, and I will be happy to stay with you and Val for the week."

I can practically hear the smile in my Mom's voice, "Amazing, we already decorated your room for when you decide to stay with us! It's all furnished!"

The belt starts moving and suitcases start flowing out. "Um, I'll talk to you when I get back to my apartment, okay? I have to get my luggage now."

"Sounds good!" We say our goodbyes and I hang up.

I spot my suitcase and take it off the conveyor belt. I help point out the others and as soon as we get all of our luggage, we head to Josh's car and race home.

"I'm literally unpacking to pack another bag." I sigh as I finish putting away the clothes I had in New York.

Finn bounces on my bed, watching me struggle. I swear he enjoys seeing me want to jump out a 20-story building window.

"How long are you staying with your mom?" Finn folds the clothes I picked out for myself for the next week into a pile.

"Thanks. I think for a week, Mom is picking me up tomorrow at like 1 to bring me to her place." I start putting the stuff into a duffle bag.

"So we can have a sleepover tonight?" I nod and check the time. "I mean, it's already 11 o'clock. It's a little late for you to go home anyway."

"I know, but I wasn't gonna take no for an answer anyway." Finn smiles cheekily.

I roll my eyes and change into my pajamas before hopping into my bed, once he turns off the light and shuts the door, Finn is by my side.

"Thanks, by the way."

"For what?"

"New York, for inviting me. It was a lot of fun." I turn my head and smile at him.

"Thanks for coming." He just looks back at me, holding a staring contest that neither of us are gonna win.

I move my head closer to his, and before I know what I'm doing, I press my lips to his.

We only kiss for a few seconds before I pull back and rest my head on his shoulder.

"Finn, what the fuck are we doing?" I sigh and close my eyes.

"I don't know." Finn answers quietly. "I still like you a lot, Luce."

"I like you too, Finn." I sigh for the thousandth time tonight. "I don't know what I want."

"I do."

I look up at him once again. "And what is that?"

"I want to date you again. I want us to be in a relationship again."

Staying silent for a bit, getting lost in my thoughts is what I did after that sentence came out of his mouth.

"I want that, too"

"So, Lucy. Will you be my girlfriend? Again? For the second time?" He whispers in my ear.

I nod, "Yes, I will be your girlfriend for the second time again."

"I promise you, I will not mess up this time." Finn hugs me tightly in his arms.

"I would hope the fuck not."

My Brothers Best Friend ☾ Finn WolfhardWhere stories live. Discover now