"Thanks for buying me dinner, guys," I smile at both of them, "We've gotta do this more often."
"No problem." Jack hugs Finn and then moves to me. He leans in a wraps his arms around me and kisses me on the cheek. Unfortunately, a flash goes of indicating someone took a picture. Jack backs up and chuckles, "My girlfriends gonna be pissed. It was worth it." Jack winks at me.
Me and Finn walk back to my house, he told me he was sleeping over. Once we got home, we both got ready to sleep and got comfortable in bed.
"So, what's up with Ellie now?" I question.
Finn groans and rubs his eyes, "Don't get me started on her. She's literally started unnecessary drama and now me and Jack barely see each other unless he's in town."
"Sorry, bud. Should I fight her?" I joke.
"Nah," Finn smiles at me, "She's smaller than you. Plus. we don't need little Lucy's hand to hurt now, do we?"
I roll my eyes at his response, "Didn't she say something about how she would date you if she wasn't dating Jack?"
"Yeah, and some other things that I will never repeat." Finn shudders.
I remember reading something on Instagram and let me tell you, those words were nor PG. Sometimes I wish that Finn and I had no drama in our lives, and sometimes I wish that Finn was less known. By no means do I wish Finn never became successful because I'm proud of him. But it's stressful.
"When's Wyatt coming over next?" I ask Finn, I miss my little noodle. I haven't seen him in forever. I literally see no one when Finn is gone.
"Saturday, I think." Finn yawns.
"Cool, I miss him." I smile, sooner than I thought I guess.
Finn turns, "You missed me more though, right?"
"Definitely," I chuckle. I turn my head and lean in to kiss his cheek. I guess we had the same plan because before I realized, my lips were on Finn's. It's a solid 3 seconds after I realize what's happening before I pull away and turn my back to Finn.
A few minutes pass when we finally say goodnight to each other. I am staring at my wall just thinking, when I feel Finn put his arm around me and pulls me closer to him.
I fall asleep to the sounds of Finn's steady breathing.

My Brothers Best Friend ☾ Finn Wolfhard
Fanfictiona girl finds love in her brothers best friend