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Shirts... check.
Shorts... check.
Underwear, Socks, Bras... check
Shoes... check.
Sweatshirt, Sweatpants... check.

My carry on was already packed so I had my makeup and everything else in there.

I finished packing every single item I needed and zipped up my suitcase. It's around 12am now and we are leaving in 3 hours to catch our flight.

Last minute packer, I know. But I am a better packer the night before then I am a week before ... if that makes sense.

I fall asleep and wake up in what feels like a span of 5 minutes.

"Yo, wake up child." Josh shakes me awake.

"Such a great way to start a day, huh?" I cheekily smile and stand up to stretch.

"Let's get a move on. We're picking up Finn, Wyatt and Jack from Finn's place and Sophia got dropped off here already."

I get ready for the plane ride and we soon take off on the road to get the boys.

We pick them up and get to the airport by 3:45- our flight is at 5am.

Our bags are checked in and we pass through the TSA line very quickly.

"Who's sitting next to who? This is gonna be a long fuckin' flight." Josh sighs as we walk to our gate.

"5 hours and 40 minutes." Wyatt yawns.

This is how the seating was planned.

Josh is sitting next to Finn and Jack and I'm sitting with Wyatt and Sophia for half the ride then we switch.

"I call the window seat." I call out.

Sophia sucks in air, "Ooh, so sorry hun but I already called it in the car."

I groan and shake my head. Theres no way I'm sitting isle seat so I am definitely gonna steal the middle.

We all board the plane and sit as close to the front as we can and end up getting two rows next to each other.

After getting as comfortable as possible, I plug my headphones in, put on earbud into my ear and let the other one hang down before I turn on my music.

"You ready for this flight?" Wyatt looks over at me and chuckles.

"When do they give me food?" I joke as I take a bite of the chocolate croissant I got from Starbucks and a sip from the Java chip, Strawberry and Cream frappuccino I also bought.

"How are you not obese is my question." Sophia giggles and opens a book.

"No clue at all."

After I finish the croissant we have taken off and we start our 5 hour long journey through the sky.

I am going to die of boredom.

I listen to music while talking to Wyatt for a short time when I decide that 5:30 is too early and I'm gonna take a nap to pass the time.

If I wake up and we're not in New York I am going to jump out of this plane.


HAPPY 4TH OF JULY EVERYONE or just my fellow Americans


My Brothers Best Friend ☾ Finn WolfhardWhere stories live. Discover now