Chapter 11

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Hey so this is the chapter that I promised. Told you guys I keep my promises lol. Yes, I stayed up until 1:30am doing this. I hope you enjoy and now I'm tired so good night. I hope you enjoy and thank you for 1000 reads :) =) You all are amazing =)

Belle's POV

" He asked that? Seriously, Brandon asked you that?"

It was during lunch and I was sitting between Jasmine and Anna, who was Jasmine's friend from art class, and talking.

"Yes he did Anna how many times does she have to repeat herself."

"But Jasmine, I cannot believe he would ask Belle this out of all people. No offense Belle but this is quite unexpected."

"What was unexpected?" asked Nate.

Oh no! I can't tell him what Brandon asked me, could I? No way, after the death stare he gave him! Not a chance. Why did my life have to be so complicated? I mean seriously?

"Belle, you have to tell Nate what Brandon did. You just have to plus, if you don't tell him then I certainly will," Anna nagged.

I cannot do this. I mean how am I supposed to tell the guy I have a crush on that Brandon asked me out on a date.

Not being able to decide, I looked at Jasmine to find out if I should say anything but, she looked at me as if to respond," It's up to you, do what you want." Thanks a lot Jasmine, you really helped me with that one. Sighing, I faced Nate whose eyes were wide open waiting eagerly for whatever I had to tell him.

"Wow, this food is certainly tasting good today," I stated.

"Belle, stop changing the topic. Fine, I will tell him. Ok Nate..." Anna began.

"Ok shut up, I will just tell him."

I looked at him again and no surprise his eyes were wide again. It was as if we were children all again and I remembered that one day we went to Dulce, which was a candy store, and we noticed this ginormous lollipop. We were both five years old and entirely mesmerised by the delicious treat. This was exactly how he looked right at this moment. Wow this was hard to say. I looked down and blurted it out.

"What was that? Speak slower," said Nate.

I inhaled deeply, then clearly said,"During Biology class today, Brandon asked me out."

His eyes looked gloomy and depressed after I said those few words, and his entire face dropped. The colour drained from his face and he looked at me as if I had just shot someone.

"But, it's not actually like a date date, I mean he just asked if I would like to watch a movie by his house," I quickly added.

"That's a date Belle! Your first date is Brandon!" exclaimed Anna. Well at least someone was excited, I mean she was literally jumping up and down in her seat.

Quickly, I nudged Jasmine in her side and she understood what I meant. She was the only one who knew I liked Nate and I could see her eyes wide with concern at what was unfolding before our eyes.

"Hey Anna, can you help me with my Math homework please?" Jasmine said changing the focus.

"Ok, sure. Bye guys," replied Anna.

"Byes," I said then showed Jasmine a grateful smile. They left an I was alone with Nate. I stared at him and we both said nothing until finally he broke the awkward silence.

"So did you say yes to the date?" It was the way he said that word, date, as if it was something disgusting and unnatural.

"I did not reply as yet,"

"So does that mean you are going?"

"Nate, I don't know what to do."

"Well, do you have any reason not to go?"

I remained quiet. What was he trying to say? Was he implying something? I desperately wanted to answer," Yes, you," but then thought better of it.

"Belle, there's something I have to tell you... since we were children, we knew each other and now till today we still are great friends but as we, or I should say I, got older.."

"Hey, we are back! Jasmine forgot that today they don't have Math," Anna interrupted.

"So what are you guys talking about?"

"Oh you know school and stuff," Nate answered.

This was all so confusing. What was he going to say? It was as if my brain was saying Nate but my heart was saying Brandon. I looked at him and he smiled and then said the three words I hoped he would have never uttered.

He said," You should go.''

Yep like every chapter THANK YOU for everything and I hope you know I am sincerely grateful. Hope you enjoyed this chapter =D and leave your comments and vote and all that jazz. Ok seriously, goodnight. :)

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