Chapter 14

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Hey guys whats up? So today I asked my friend if she would like to help me with the author's note thingy but then she ripped it since she thought it was bad :/ it was actually good though :)

Were you guys expecting the date? Yes? I guess i'm a crusher of dreams then? Yep I know. lol i'm just kidding with you all but yea i wrote this chapter DURING my exams today. Yes during my exams like I finshed my exam and the i was bored so i wrote so you should thank my teacher for that. lol no dont do that im serious she's scary lol. Ok so it was either the exam was easy and I passed or it was hard and i did crap and failed. Definately the latter. Ok so i hope you all enjoy,that was my little story and thanks for everything :D

Belle's POV

"I can't believe I let you talk me into this," I said while staring at my reflection in my antique mirror.

"You look fantastic!" Jasmine sincerely replied.

It was half past four in the afternoon and Jasmine was helping me get ready for my 'date' with Brandon. Almost immediately after she finished texting him, she dragged me to my closet where we both looked for something I should wear this evening. Picking out some skinny jeans and a cute black loose crop top, I was about to dress when Jasmine saw me and scrunched her nose and said,"Hell no.'' Apparently, tonight she had different plans for me and so she found a dress, boots and my straightener and set to work.

After taking my shower, I returned to my room where to my amusement it now looked like a beauty salon. She pulled me into the comfy seat by my dresser and worked on my hair. Let me tell you, when I said she worked fast, she sure did since by the time I grabbed my iPod and about three songs played she was already half way done. My thick wavy blonde hair was now partially straight since the ends were curled and the top part straightened. It gave my hair a kind of natural beach curls effect and my bangs were clipped to the back so it was a half up, half down look.

Heading to my closet, I grabbed the dress so I could change and when I was done instead of looking in the mirror to see if it was a 'yay' or 'nay' Jasmine pulled me to my dresser once more. I was trying to get peeks to see how I looked but, every time I glanced at the mirror, I was smacked by Jasmine.

"What's wrong with you! Why in the heavens do you keep hitting me?" I asked clearly annoyed.

"Because you can't keep your butt still," she replied.

Great, so now I had no idea how I looked since the dress was a present and I had never tried it on, and Jasmine found a new way of torturing me, now with make up. She put on eyeshadow, a little blush, mascara,even though I already had long thick eyelashes and finally some lipgloss.

"Which colour lipgloss do you want to wear?"

"Ummm... you know Wonder Melon the Beauty Rush one,"

"Yea, epic choice.''

I smiled to myself and when she was finally finished I walked to the mirror to see the result. Standing in front of my full length mirror, I could not believe the person staring back at me. I looked different. Not a bad different but a good one. The one that has you completely and utterly speechless and taken aback that you just stand there all wide eyed and a 'what the hell' look on your face. You know that one? Well that was me looking at the mirror.

The coral Chanel dress fitted perfectly, so perfect that I could not believe I never worn it in my life. It was tight at the top near the sweetheart neckline and then flared at the end,where it reached my mid thigh. In addition, by the neckline there were little frills. I slipped on my high heeled boots and the outfit was complete but, just before I could thank her, she handed me a belt an my absolute favourite Eiffel Tower necklace . Quickly, I put them on and turned admiring myself.

My hair surrounded the frame of my face with two little curls on either side and just the right amount of makeup. All I could do was stare at my reflection and look at Jasmine with gratitude in my eyes and smile.

"The necklace is your lucky one and I think you might want to have some luck on your first date.'' Jasmine said.

"Aww thanks. Jasmine, you are great! Thanks a lot I don't know what I would do without you,"

"Yea I know you love me. Now go before you're late,"

"Ok byes thanks for everything again." I said giving her a quick hug.

"Nikki, I'm going by a friend's house be back later,"

"Ok Miss," she replied.

I walked out of my apartment and took a city cab to Brandon's house following the directions he texted me some moments ago. Finally, I was standing outside his house. This was it, maybe my life would be different tomorrow after this but, I was not certain. All the butterflies returned and I felt my cheeks becoming warmer and warmer.

"Ok, just knock it will be ok. Everything would be ok." I thought and then I knocked.

Belle's dress------------------------------------------------>

THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH!!!! YOU GUYS GAVE ME 2K READS AND I LOVE YOU ALL SOO MUCH. When i found out i literally wanted to scream but it was late in the night and it would have been weird but still I really appreciate it all. You guys are the best and i could not have asked for better readers. <3 =D

Would you guys like to check out my friends' stories they are really great:

delilahMarie2: Beauty and the Jerk

moonlite27: The girl next door

These are some awesome sauce stories so read them. :)

One more exam and by the time this is uploaded my exams would be over and I would be on vacation, somewhat.

🎶And ill be doing whatever snowmen do in summeerrrrrrrr🎶 lol



(Love you all❤😘)

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