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Renée's P.O.V:

I wish that Mom would stop treating me like I'm a little kid. It's really irritating me.

I can tell that she doesn't like Jordan, I saw the way they stared at him on Thanksgiving!

They need to realize that Jordan is a great guy! His dad might be a little heavy-handed in his ways, but they are too!!!

Forget about that... writing in this diary without a cover is such a PAIN! I need to fix this diary with some glue.

I'm so lucky that Daniel owns a journal, he was able to give me some pointers in fixing mine.

Now that I think about it, I haven't written anything about Daniel... Or meeting him for that matter.

So where we last left off in the drama filled story of my drama filled life, my diary's cover got mercilessly torn off by a SAVAGE animal!

So she left me in the dust to pick up the scraps, until my luck started to turn.

DANIEL: "Are you...okay there?"

RENÉE: *Sigh* "Does it look like I'm okay?"

DANIEL: "Not really, but it looks like you could use a hand there."

RENÉE: "I'll be fine, thanks... Wait, who are you anyway? I don't think I've seen you around these parts."

DANIEL: "Well, that's because I'm new here. A guy minding his own business, notices someone down on their luck and just wants to help them out."

RENÉE: "Thanks I guess. Wait a minute... You're just doing this so that you can get my mother's autograph aren't you?"

DANIEL: "Huh?"

RENÉE: "I KNEW IT! Nobody wants to do anything nice for me without something involving an autograph from my mom in return..."

DANIEL: "Your mother? I don't understand..."

RENÉE: "Don't play dumb with me. You want Nikki Roberts's autograph!"

DANIEL: "Who's Nikki Roberts?"

RENÈE: "Who's Nikki Roberts?! I'll tell you who! Multi-platinum recoring artist! Talented in pai- Wait a second... You really don't know who my Mom is?"

DANIEL: "Not a clue."

RENÉE: "That's great! Everyone tries to suck up to me just because of who my parents are. It's kinda relieving to meet someone who wants to help me for nothing in return."

DANIEL: "Anyway, I'm Daniel Sherman."

RENÉE: "I'm Renée, Renée Roberts."

DANIEL: "That's a nice name, French isn't it?"

RENÉE: "Yes, my father is from a French background."

DANIEL: "Interesting, I moved here with my father. He has been relocated here because of his job."

RENÉE: "Really? What does your father do for a living?"

DANIEL: "I don't know it's nothing interesting anyway. What does your father do?"

RENÉE: "He's New York State's top photographer."

DANIEL: "No way... That's really cool!"

RENÉE: "It's nothing interesting really, it sounds pretty boring to me."

DANIEL: "Boring... I've heard that word way too many times recently... Nevermind, hey I know this is pretty sudden but can I get your phone number?"

RENÉE: "Sure, I don't see why not. This could be the start of a great friendship."

DANIEL: "It sure could... But hey Renée, it was nice meeting you."

RENÉE: "It was great meeting you too Daniel."

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