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Nikki's P.O.V:

Okay so I left for 5 minutes and all hell broke loose.

CHLOE: "Nikki! Some guy stole my purse!"

NIKKI: "Don't yell my name so loud. Do you want to get swarmed by paparazzi?! And haven't you called the police?"

ZOEY: "No, because THANKFULLY someone was there to stop him."

CHLOE: "Look! I've got my purse back! If only the thief didn't chip my nail... *Sigh* Even so, I'm so grateful for my hero's effort!"

NIKKI: "That was nice of them."

ZOEY: "Yeah but the nicest guys can turn out to be such weirdos though."

NIKKI: "What? Was he weird or something?"

CHLOE: "Kinda yeah. To repay him we offered him the chance to meet you. But he said that he didn't like music."

NIKKI: "That sounds pretty normal to me. Not everyone is a fan of me. I'm not even a fan of me."

ZOEY: "That's not the weird part, Chloe!"

CHLOE: "Fine... He said ciao bellas or something. Then he said really fast that he saw it on a TV show once and thought it would be cool to say."

ZOEY: "I'm surprised that you could understand him..."

NIKKI: "Ci-Ciao Bellas?"

ZOEY: "Yes."

NIKKI: "Are you sure it wasn't something else?"

CHLOE: "No... It's not like he said cowbells or something like that."

ZOEY: "Are you feeling okay, Nikki?"

NIKKI: "Which way did he go?"

ZOEY: "Why? Was it an insult or something? Are you going to beat him up? That wouldn't bode well for your star persona."

NIKKI: "You're ABSOLUTELY sure that some random guy...
1. Stopped a thief and got your purse back.
2. Said Ciao Bellas.
3. Acted weird and wouldn't look you in the eye."

ZOEY: "How did you know that last part?"

NIKKI: "It's a crazy assumption... But that random guy might have been..."

CHLOE: "Who?"

ZOEY: "Who else could it be?"

CHLOE: "Ohhhh, right... Wait, WHAT?!"

NIKKI: "Ciao Bellas is exactly what Maxwell used to say. Where is he?!"

ZOEY: "Relax, that guy had two working eyes. So, it couldn't be Maxwell. Besides, there are so many Italian-americans in the New York State that he could have really just been some random guy."

NIKKI: "I guess you're right, but... I want to believe."

ZOEY: "I don't think that you should bother, that way you won't get your hopes up."

NIKKI: "Always the strong psychologist aren't you?"

ZOEY: "And that's why you love me."

CHLOE: "That guy didn't want to meet you though, so it could be him."

NIKKI: "No, you're right, it's not him. Let's get outta here."

And so we left, but I want to believe that Maxwell is out there somewhere.

I don't want THAT DAY to be our final chapter. He came into my life and changed everything.

It's hard to forget someone like that...

Wherever you are Maxwell, I hope that we didn't hurt you that day. I'm sure that deep down Brandon forgives you, but you know how stubborn he can be. He would rather hide it and so he acts like he has forgotten all about you.

But how could we forget about you?

You are the one who brought me and Brandon together. And for that reason alone we can never forget about you.

No matter how hard you want us to. We... No... I WILL never forget you.

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