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Renée's P.O.V:


Jordan said that he would come to my house tonight!

Well, it's more of a mansion than a house, but still it could be a cardboard box for all ai care if he's coming!

He's such a dreamboat, and I'm his captain!

He's as cute as can be. He's long, tan and handsome. I wish I could swim in his beautiful blue eyes and frolic through his breathtaking blonde hair.

I love him so much it's unreal. Megan is soooooo jealous that I'm dating him. She had her eyes all over him, but he chose ME! That's right, me!

She wishes she could get someone this good. But she's way too vain for anyone to fall for her.

JEEVES: "Excuse me Miss Roberts, but I believe that your boyfriend is here to see you."

RENÉE: "He's here already! Squuueeeee! Let him in, let him in, let him in!"

JEEVES: "I will do so at once."

RENÉE: "Also can you fetch us some snacks or something? I don't want my Jordy getting hungry."

JEEVES: "As you wish."


JORDAN: "Hey Renée, there's my lovely girl. How you doin'?"

RENÉE: "Everything's fine, now you're here."

JORDAN: "Huh, you sayin' it wasn't before?"

RENÉE: "It's nothing major."

JORDAN: "Go ahead, I'm all ears for you."

RENÉE: "Well you see the thing is... There's been another incident in the news. Teens are going missing, then resurfacing safe from harm. But their minds are like...shadows of their former selves."

JORDAN: "Yeah, I can't go five minute without someone tellin' me 'bout it. It's outta line that some jerk is doing this. If I ever got my hands on them I would tear them limb from limb. Especially if they tried to touch my number one."

RENÉE: "Aww, thanks Jordy, you always know how to make me feel so safe."

JORDAN: "Sure thing, hey, my new whip got outta the shop. We should totally take it for a spin."

RENÉE: "Sure! I've waited so long to see what car you wanted."

JORDAN: "You'll see..."

And I did see. The stunning car that Jordan had driven here.

RENÉE: "Whoa! This car looks amazing. It looks like something you'd find in those classic fast and furious movies!"

JORDAN: "Sure does babe. But those flimsy pieces of junk don't got nothin' on this beauty."

RENÉE: "Really? Wanna prove it?"

JORDAN: "Hell yeah, hop in."

And we took an exhilarating drive around the city's outer regions. Sucks that they haven't created flying cars yet I mean come on! We have operational procedures that can give people robotic limbs/organs and we still can't make a car fly?!

How stupid.

After an amazing drive, Jordan brought me back home.

BRANDON: "Where have you been?"

RENÉE: "Oh uh... Jordan was just giving me a ride in his new car."

BRANDON: "Don't you recall your mother saying that she doesn't want you outside after dark?"

RENÉE: "Well... Yes Dad but you see I was with Jordan so it's okay."

BRANDON: "Jordan my ass! Listen here Renée, you have just turned 17 but you're still our daughter and you've got to listen to what we say. Understand?"

RENÉE: "Whatever."

BRANDON: "Hey! Don't walk away while I'm still talking to you."

RENÉE: "I'm going to my room."

BRANDON: "Fine. If you like your room so much then you can STAY THERE! YOU'RE GROUNDED!

RENÉE: "Grounded?! Really...?"

BRANDON: "Don't make me repeat myself missy."

RENÉE: "Whatever."



They keep treating me like I'm some little kid. But I'm not a little kid anymore... I'M 17 YEARS OLD!


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