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Renée's P.O.V:

NIKKI: "So Renée, tell mommy and daddy what's been bothering you."

RENÉE: "Like I said, it's nothing. I'm just being stupid..."

BRANDON: "Renée, we're your parents. It's our job to make sure that you're okay. So tell us what's been bothering you."

I know when I'm defeated, and I can't hold this back any longer...

RENÉE: "Fine. My best friend Dani has been hanging out with a new girl and I'm worried that he'll abandon me."

BRANDON: "Would he really abandon you?"

RENÉE: "Maybe, because that's what he's doing at the moment."

NIKKI: "You really like this Daniel guy, don't you Renée?"

RENÉE: "I...I...I don't know what to think anymore. I don't want to let anyone in, I don't want to be hurt again...
But these weird emotions of mine. Something in my heart won't stop."

BRANDON: "That something is called love."

RENÉE: "Love? What... Like love...love? True love?"

NIKKI: "Of course!"

RENÉE: "But I can't fall in true love yet, I'm only 17!"

BRANDON: "..."

NIKKI: "..."

RENÉE: "Oh, sorry. I forgot..."

BRANIKKI: "Don't worry about it."

RENÉE: "But you both had feelings for one another. That made it easy. Hypothetically, let's say IF I had feelings for Dani, it wouldn't mean he'd feel the same way."

NIKKI: "Well, why not ask him yourself?"

RENÉE: "C-Confess?! I mean... I have nothing to confess."

NIKKI: "You're so transparent."

RENÉE: "Huh?!"

BRANDON: "If you don't confess... Then you might regret not doing so for the rest of your life.
You're in the same situation I was all those years ago."

RENÉE: "If I felt that way, I'd say you're right. But let's say if I was to confess... When? Where?"

NIKKI: "Do it tomorrow after school."

BRANDON: "Yeah and do it underneath a tree or something, that always goes well."

NIKKI: "Spring trees are blossoming."

BRANDON: "The blossom falling creates the romantic atmosphere..."

NIKKI: "...for the wonderful confession. I love you Daniel says Renée."

BRANDON: "And I've always liked you too says Daniel."

NIKKI: "The two grow up and live happily ever after, maybe they have children along the way."


NIKKI: "Look at her Brandon, our little girl is blushing!"

BRANDON: "Like mother like daughter. Just like you used to."

NIKKI: "Oh stop, you always blushed too!"

BRANDON: "And often we would just stare at eachother."

NIKKI: "As if that blushing and staring would be going on forever!"

RENÉE: "STOP! You've had your romantic story, now it's my turn!"

NIKKI: "What do you mean we've HAD our romantic story?"

BRANDON: "You saying that we're too old for a love story?"

RENÉE: "No not at all! It's just that if this was a book or a romantic story or something, it would be solely focused around me falling in love rather than you two. Considering the fact that you have already fallen in love and have gotten together."

NIKKI: "Are you calling yourself a protagonist?"

RENÉE: "I'm the protagonist of my life!"

BRANDON: "With that self centered attitude young missy, no boy will look your way."

RENÉE: "Okay so maybe that was egotistical, but as far as I know... My life is some crazy story."

NIKKI: "Just like mine."

BRANDON: "You're one to talk, my life was crazy too."

RENÉE: "I know what you had to go through growing up, so I'm forever grateful that I haven't had to experience the issues that you went through."

NIKKI: "It's okay Renée, now it's time for you to get some sleep, it's already...2am?!"

BRANDON: "We need to get to bed and sleep fast!"

NIKKI: "We don't want to oversleep now do we?"

RENÉE: "Goodnight Mom, Goodnight Dad."

And so our looooooong conversation came to an end. It has left me thinking about just how I will put into words how much I care about Dani, how he has always been there for me these past few months. And I want him to be my boyfriend...



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