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Renée's P.O.V:

That's it, I've had it up to here with this!

Today I was just minding my own business, then I saw Dani. I thought to myself 'hey here's a great opportunity to have a great conversation with a great friend!'

But NooooooOOOOOOooooo!

Guess who comes from behind and actually HUGS him?!


That was the last straw...

This was the straw that broke the camel's back and I won't stand for this.

So, I decided to wait until I could find Miyu alone and ask her what is her status with Dani.

RENÉE: "Hey Miyu!"

MIYU: "Uh, hi Renée."

RENÉE: "So, you've been hanging around with Dani quite a lot. Soooooo, what's the deal between you and him?"

MIYU: "Daniel-kun? There's nothing going on between us. Nothing at all..."

RENÉE: "Oh, cool. Nevermind."

I felt a weight being lifted off of my shoulders.

MIYU: "...Yet."

And then being slammed back down onto me, twice as heavy.

RENÉE: "What do you mean?"

MIYU: "Isn't it obvious Roberts? You have a crush on Daniel-kun and now, so do I."

RENÉE: "Great..."

MIYU: "He's the nicest guy that I have ever met and I am NOT going to let you take him from me. I have waited for SO LONG for someone to like me for me and not because of my parents!"

RENÉE: "Same here! I couldn't go to school for five seconds without someone asking me for my mom's autograph."

MIYU: "The same doesn't go for you Roberts, you have friends in Ashley and Charlie. Even Tina and Preston consider you to be a friend!"

RENÉE: "Yeah I guess that they're my friends, that's because my parents are friends with theirs. Besides I'm sure that someone like you has so many friends back in Japan."

MIYU: "I didn't have friends. The only friend that I had... She left me."

RENÉE: "I'm sorry to hear that."

MIYU: "But that doesn't matter, she isn't around to hold me back from boys. I want Daniel-kun to be my boyfriend and there's nothing you can do about it."

RENÉE: "Oh yeah? Well Dani is going to be my boyfriend and there's nothing you can do about it."



MEGAN: "Okay there's no need to be so feisty. I was just interested in your little conversation is all."

RENÉE: "This isn't a conversation."

MIYU: "This is a declaration of war!"

MEGAN: "War? I want in on this. It sounds like so much fun!"

RENÉE: "This isn't any war that you would be interested in."

MIYU: "This is a war of love!"

MEGAN: "Love? How romantic! I still want in. Who is this lucky guy that would have two dorks crushing on him?"

RENÉE: "It's-"

MEGAN: "No wait... Let me guess...Jordan? No, no, sorry Miyu you aren't attracted to criminals like some people."

She shot a glare at me.

RENÉE: "You're pushing your luck Megan..."

MEGAN: "Oh no! Are you going to attack me again? Maybe this time I can put you in prison with your ex-boyfriend! Two birds in a cage, romantic!"


MIYU: "Stop Roberts. This is what she wants you to do."

MEGAN: "Now you're taking Renée's side? Wow you are stupid, and I thought that you were supposed to be smart."

MIYU: "Is that supposed to be a threat?"

MEGAN: "Not really, it's not a conversation either. It's just a declaration of war."

RENÉE: "You declare war on us? You don't even know the guy!"

MEGAN: "I have my ways to make Daniel bow before me. He will be mine, not because I love him... It's just to spite you both!"

MIYU: "You're evil..."

RENÉE: "That's Megan for you."

MEGAN: "Don't turn this into a 2 on 1 scenario, you should know by now that it's every woman for herself."

MIYU: "You're right... And that's why I can't let Renée win!"

MEGAN: "That's the spirit girlfriend!"

MIYU: "But I'm not letting you win either!"

MEGAN: "Fine but I won't let you girls find true happiness with Daniel, that spot is reserved just for me!"

RENÉE: "Yeah I'm not so sure about that! I've known him for longer than the both of you have. Miyu, you've only known him for a month and I've known him all year! And Megan, you've never even talked to him."

MEGAN: "Which makes me the favorite to win this game! All that I have to do is reinvent myself."

RENÉE: "But that's lying!"

MEGAN: "And? Do I look like I care?"

MIYU: "You don't, you will sink to dishonorable depths just to feed your ego. This means war Clarke and I'm watching you Roberts!"

DANIEL: "Hey Ren, Mii-chan and... Megan is it? What brings you three ladies together?"

MII,REN,MEG: "Nothing..."

DANIEL: "Oh okay."

Little did he know that he has just started a war!

This isn't a love triangle...


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