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Renée's P.O.V:


You know that you're not a bad person. You saved my life, and for that, I know my parents will forget any past conflicts you had.

Maybe some day you will meet them again, and that day, I will tell them all about the heroic act you performed.

For the mean time, I walk this mansion path alone, approaching my front door. Anxiety is eating away at me, there's no way that they haven't noticed I was gone.

I may get grounded for life, I may be thrown out onto the streets. What fate awaits me?

Time to face my execution. It's punishment time...

I open the door slowl-


RENÉE: "ACK! H-Hi Mom..."

BRANDON: "Don't you 'Hi Mom' her! Where have you been?!"

RENÉE: "...You should probably know."

BRANDON: "I thought we said that you were not allowed outside after dark! You saw the news, I thought you were smarter than this!"

NIKKI: "Brandon, listen to her."

RENÉE: "..."

BRANDON: "Well, speak up!"

RENÉE: "Here. I guess that this belongs to you, Mom."

BRANDON: "I-Is that...?"

NIKKI: "I... I haven't seen this diary for 20 years."

BRANDON: "So, our map was correct. Ugh, I thought we wanted to bury the past, not dig it up again."

NIKKI: "Did you read it?"

RENÉE: "Yes... Yes I did, I'm sorry about everything. I saw things that should have been kept a secret. You ran away from home, you fled to New York to make names for yourselves.
I'm sorry I was so unappreciative."

NIKKI: "No, Renée... It's our fault for keeping secrets from you."

BRANDON: "We didn't want to tell you. Call us hypocrites, but we could never live with ourselves if our only daughter ran away from home."

RENÉE: "I would never leave you guys behind, you're my parents and I love you."

NIKKI: "The outskirts of Westchester are not close at all. I take it that Jordan had something to do with this."

RENÉE: "Jordan... It's a long story."


I told them everything. Well, everything except Maxwell's identity.

BRANDON: "That...bastard! I told you he was no good! His father Ryan Crenshaw was a bully jock! How dare he do that to my little girl!"

NIKKI: "Renée... I'm so sorry, I can't imagine what you're going through."

BRANDON: "Where is he? WHERE IS HE?!"

RENÉE: "They took him in. I bet he's going away for a long time."

BRANDON: "That's good to hear. Did this officer tell you his name? I want to thank him personally."

RENÉE: "I... I never got his name. He didn't tell me anything, he's just your ordinary officer."

BRANDON: "Really? That's a shame, I would have loved to give him a token of my appreciation."

NIKKI: "But what matters is that you're safe, Renée. The second I thought I lost you, it all hit me. How I haven't been the most caring mother in the world to you... I'm taking a hiatus from singing, and I'm going to focus on spending time with you."

BRANDON: "I guess that if you're taking a break, I can't act as your photographer. Looks like I'll also put my career on hold."

RENÉE: "Really?... That's all that I ever wanted to hear from you guys. Thank you so much!"

And we then shared our first family hug in years.

I believe that this is the start of a new beginning for everyone.

For my family,
For my friends,
For me.

The first round of my crazy life is over, now begins the second.

Dork Diaries: Dorky Daughter (4)Where stories live. Discover now