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Renée's P.O.V:

I've never met a guy like Daniel before, he's so smart, kind, funny. Awwww, he's such a good friend!

Like for example, today we went to an Italian café and he was able to order from the menu for both of us no problem.

RENÉE: "Wow! How were you able to do that?"

DANIEL: "I just have an interest in other languages. It's something to do in my spare time."

RENÉE: "That's pretty impressive, when I'd take a vacay with Mom and Dad, we'd always have a translator to do that for us."

DANIEL: "Rich parents huh?"

RENÉE: "You don't know the half of it, and that's just when I see them. Sometimes I don't even see my parents since they're so busy. My mom is always on tour or becoming the poster girl for some new brand. Meanwhile, my dad is a professional photographer. So often where she goes, he goes... But me? I gotta stay at home and 'get an education'. Ugh... Sometimes I think that they just don't care about me at all, why did they even have a child if they were just going to leave it at home alone?"

DANIEL: "Renée, I'm not going to sugar coat it by saying I know how that feels, because I do. But it's something we just have to deal with..."

RENÉE: "That sucks. I never thought that you were exactly the same as me. Thanks for being honest."

DANIEL: "No problem, it's fun hanging out with you. Beats studying over the same language textbook for the 50th time."

RENÉE: "You're pretty fun yourself Daniel, um...this might sound weird but can I call you Dani for short?"

DANIEL: "It's not weird. Sure thing, only if I can call you Ren."

RENÉE: "I like the sound of that, Dani."

DANIEL: "I'm happy that you do Ren. Something's on my mind, you don't have to answer it if you don't want to but..."

RENÉE: "Go ahead I'm listening..."

DANIEL: "Ren, how's your lov-?"

JORDAN: "Renée!"

RENÉE: "Jordan! What brings you here?"

JORDAN: "Just chillin' y'know? A double soy protein latte was callin' my name. Hm? Who's this schmuck?"

DANIEL: "..."

RENÉE: "Jordan this is my new friend Daniel but you can call him Dani for short."

JORDAN: "Nice to meetcha, Dani. But if you're makin' goo-goo eyes at my gal, then I'll kick ya back to the farm ya came from!

DANIEL: "Huh?"

JORDAN: "Chillaaaax. I'm just kiddin' bro! I know that someone like yuz would neva try somethin' like that."

DANIEL: "Someone like me...?"

RENÉE: "Oh Jordan, you're so funny!"

DANIEL: "I think I'm gonna leave you two lovebirds alone for a while. I've got something to do anyways."

RENÉE: "Hm? Oh Dani, one more thing!"

DANIEL: "What is it?"

RENÉE: "Weren't you going to ask me something? Like, how's my...?"

DANIEL: "Sure I was going to uh.... Um.... Ask how's your coffee? Gotta tell you, the grind this place makes is unbeatable."

RENÉE: "Yeah, it's super great!"

DANIEL: "I thought that you would like it. Bye...Ren."

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