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Rin stared at her reflection in the mirror.

It was a normal day for Rin.

The day started with humid weather, a power out, a broken water heater and overripe oranges.

Normal? For Rin maybe. She knew from the start that her life was anything but normal. He parents died when she was 10 years old leaving her to her alcoholic and abusive aunt. Truth be told, she was more than happy to be kicked out of the house when she turned 14. Thrusted to a six tatami matted apartment, she felt it was more of a heaven than a Calvary.

I'm front of her mirror, she wished that her life would turn better.

And life went on.


It was a normal school day for Rin.

She was being ignored by everyone at school. Again.

Day by day she survived school by blending in the background, never standing out.

She was not noticed inside the classroom.

She ate her bento alone.

She studied by herself.

She never participated in any group activity. She never saw the point.

She had no friends. Her time was spent alone.

Her school days went on like this.


Her life was a constant routine of activities. Everything was scheduled and almost never changed.

Notice how ALMOST was used.

Imagine her shock when one day she saw something, or rather, someone, peculiar standing in front of her front door step.

She immediately shut the it close.


Her day started with her normal routine. The cold mornings, and other inconsequential things were made everyday.

However as she opened the door, a boy, NO! She refuses, absolutely refuses to call that... that... THING! A BOY!

Nevertheless, he looked just her age. Blonde hair tied into a short ponytail. Blue brilliant pools that shined with innocence, innocence she lost. Behind him the sun radiated a little too much from what she was used to, reflected the perfectly white thin tengan kimono he was wearing.

Perhaps he was a ghost? A spirit?

But weren't ghosts supposed to be scary?

But why did this one looked like...

"Goooooood Mornii---!!!" *door slam!*

... a totally messed up guy?


She was supposed to go to Osaka for grocery shopping today. Since she ran out of Oranges yesterday, she might as well resupply.

She never really worried with money. Her grandmother was kind enough to give her a hefty allowance every month for expenses, but not kind enough to take her in. Every month on the 27th, she would always receive an envelope containing a wad if bills that contained 50,000 yen, MONTHLY! She always wondered about the accuracy of the envelop. There was no letter, only the money. But who was she to complain though.

She was never a picky kid and never complained. However, at the moment she wanted nothing else than to kick the thing that was stuffing his face with skewered fried pork to who-knows-where he came from.

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