My Love Story

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WARNING! This chapter is a bit different from the ones I usually write. Although the explanation will be at the end though. I hope you like this chappie. It would mean a lot to me if you read this all and comment after. Thanks in advance.



Rin plopped on her bed after a whole day in school. She was mentally and physically tired of everything that has happened lately.

She took the nearest pillow and screamed into it.

"Aaaaahhhh!!! I can't take it anymore!"

She was sure something broke in her vocal cords after shouting. But, she actually felt better.

After that she took her trusty guitar, strangely named "Antares" (Kudos to those who know what this means.) and started to play.

Usually, playing the guitar would cheer her up. The way the strings would sound good together with every strum she did made her calm. But for some reason, it just didn't. So she set her guitar against the wall and laid down on the bed. She stared at the ceiling for a long time before she remembered something. Something that she almost forgot. Something she barely does.

She quickly got out of bed and went to her mini library inside her room. She rummaged through the shelf and found what she was looking for.

"My Diary"

Her diary had a few entries. Not more than seven if she remembered correctly. She notes only the important happenings in her life.

Not one for wasting her time, she quickly proceeded to her study table and took out her favorite pen and started writing.

Dear Diary,

I met him way back when we were in the second grade. I was a transfer student back then. Still wet behind the ears with the world.

I had little to no friends before. I was an outcast since the start. No one wanted to be my friend because I was different from them. Different in what way? Simple, I looked different and spoke different. In other words, I was smarter than them. (Not to brag.) And they hated it. They hated me.

And then the bullying began.

I remember how I used to cry in a corner all by myself. But there was this one guy who was different. He didn't look at me like the others. Like me, he was also different. He used to smile at me a lot. Although he never actually approached me before, his smile was enough.

I hadn't been able to talk to him before a particular event. It was a dance contest. It was us against the 1st and 3rd grades. Our dance consisted of a group and solo dance. For the solo dance, there were three partners. I don't remember who the other two were. But I distinctly remember that we were one.

Me and Len.

The song was romantic. I remember how hard I blushed every time we touched. And his smiles. They made my day. He took control of the dancefloor like a pro. Like a very childish pro. Sloppy, but good for a 7 year old. The moment was so precious to me. And till now, I could not forget the feeling. I considered it to be my first dance.

Since then we talked to each other more often. I never got tired of his company, his smiles, his stories, his laughter.

However like the natural way of things, he found other friends. Male friends. And for me, I found some people who wanted to hang out with me, who wanted to be friends. Then we grew apart.

Kagamine OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now