C.U.P.I.D. is my Wife

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‘Set after the events of C. U. P. I. D.


Len's POV

I sighed as I leaned back on my swivel chair in my office. Finally, I am done with the last of the documents I needed to finish before the holidays. Just a few moments ago I was filling out the last of the formal documents for their latest project such as permits and the like. Thankfully, we didn't have to work on more projects throughout Christmas break. The client kindly put their project on hold for a few days to celebrate Christmas.

However, the others were not as fortunate as me. I can't help but take pity on my employees who, sadly, still has a good number of things to finish before they can pack up. He did tell them that procrastinating would bring them nowhere, repeatedly.

But they are good employees and were very trustworthy. There was Hiyama-san who is my right hand man, teaching me the ropes while humbly staying in the background. Kaito-san was always the life of the office, cracking lame jokes or simply being a weirdo. And a few more people I trust. I am, to say the least, very fortunate to be working with these kind of people. So, for at least a week prior to that day, he and his wife of four years, planned to throw a party at their house as a celebration for Christmas and as a thanksgiving for all of their hard work.

It was currently three o'clock in the afternoon, just a few more minutes before we can go home and party. That makes me wonder,  what is Rin doing now? I hate to leave her with all the preparations. But she did tell me that Miku, our neighbor, offered to help her a few days ago. Nevertheless, I still feel bad about leaving her to it. I could leave the office earlier. But as a boss, I need to set a good example to my co-workers. I have a good impression with our employees. And I have no thoughts whatsoever to fall from it.

*ring* *ring* *ring*

I am a hardworking boss of this lovely engineering firm.

*ring* *ring* *ring*

And I will live up to the reputation of this---

*ring* *ring* *ring*

--- company. And he would be---

*ring* *ring* *rriing--

"Hello? This is Kagamine---"

"LEEEN!!!" a loud shout was heard from the other line, almost making me deaf. I know whose voice this is. I hear this person on a daily basis and never get tired of it even if I tried. But just to be honest, I think she forgets just how much decibels a human’s ears can take.

Her boisterous voice still ringed in my head as I answered her. "Rin? What happened? And why are you calling the line to the office?"

"Are you busy?" her answer was almost immediate. She seemed to be in a rush. What is she thinking of now? A sudden knock was heard on the door before it slowly opened, my employee trying to be as silent as he can be. In his hands I could see a bunch of papers, probably needed some approval or something.

"No. I just finished the formal documents with Sakine-san's bar project.” I said, simultaneously signaled him that I was on the phone, holding up a letter ‘W’ with my free hand that everyone in the office knew as my signal that I was talking to my wife.

There was a short pause form her part. "I am going there right now."

"What? It's still pratically office hours. If it isn't an emergency--" I calmly tried to explain to her. But of course she won’t have that. Once this woman makes up her mind, she sticks to it. And even I can’t stop her.

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