Broken Clockwork (Part 3)

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A little warning... This chapter might be a bit different from the first parts since I will introduce some characters and situations that with no relation to the first two. But it won't mess with the plot, instead, it will explain everything.

This would be the last part of BROKEN CLOCKWORK. Thank you for supporting this story up to this point.



"You really aren't the sharpest tool in the shed ei?"

A sudden voice woke Len up from his sleep.  When he opened his eyes, he was shocked to see a floating kid, maybe around five to seven years old.

In an instant, Len was already wide awake, clutching his blanket, and is cowering against the headboard of the bed away from the gravity defyer.


The little girl just ran his fingers through her chesnut brown hair and fiddled with her white dress.

"Saa~ I don't actually know myself. Sorry. But come on Onii-chan do I really look scary to you?" The floating girl said with a pout while pointing to herself.

Len gave out a large sigh as he observed his new guest. The girl had short brown hair that was tied up in twin pigtails. Her eyes had rich golden shade and had a white skin complexion. Her height was supposedly three feet or above. And she was wearing a large white dress that loosely clung to her frame.  She actually looked cute in her outfit. She looked so innocent and angelic. He wasn't sure why he got scared of her in the first place.

"Aah~ Gomen. I was just startled is all. I mean, it's not everyday you get to see a floating little girl hovering in your face every morning."

The girl pouted at Len's comment. "We can do without the little. Thank you very much! I'm not supposed to be this small anyway. When I traveled through the tunnel of space and time I shrunk to the last size I had before I died. Well, not that I grew much anyway."

A look of shock was seen on Len's face.

"You... Died?"

Len expected that much, but he didn't expect the kid to mention her death so nonchalantly. Being one who has encountered death almost on a daily basis, this was a pretty big thing to say.

She was obviously a child when she died. Didn't she feel sad to leave? Wasn't she sad to leave her family, whoever they are behind? Wasn't she mad for the injustice of life?

Life does not give everything that we want. But in this case, did life give her anything? It wasn't fair. Death just comes too quickly and takes the kindest of people, those who he loves the most.

Like Rin and this... Kid...

"Did you finally remeber me. Huh? Len-nii"

Len's breath got caught in his throat. Len-nii? But the last one who called him that was...


"Find me Len-nii!" A three year old brunette ran into the halls of the large Japanese style house. She was playing hide-and-seek with her favorite person in the world.

"Yuki-chan! Matte yo!" A seven year old Len shouted to his little playmate.

Kaii Yuki, his little playmate who was four years younger than him. She was practically his little sister except for blood.

Kagamine OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now