Orphic (Part 2)

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Twice upon this time in the land the author now named as the kingdom of Wisteria, to be more specific, inside the royal castle. Our maiden is once again brought to light. She is sitting in front of the fire in an enormous room with mixed emotions. Just a few moments ago, the maid assigned to take care of her, wordlessly directed her to this room and left her standing alone. She knew this place. The bright red sofa in front of the fireplace matched the equally large crimson drapes. The walls were plain white with giant mirrors leading to a large balcony that gave a sight of the whole capital. It felt nostalgic being inside the room. The moment that she was led inside the room she immediately sat herself on the sofa after a quick scan of the room, waiting patiently for the prince to arrive.

For one, she is quite happy to be sitting in front of a furnace which rid her of the cold that is usually felt in freezing weather such as this. However, she could not help but worry for her brethren. Given that they are used to the cold since they bare have anything to provide them warmth. She just hoped that the elder kids took the initiative of collecting wood to make, at least, a small fire to grant them warmth.

Another thing she is feeling is nervousness. Who would not be feeling nervous in this situation. The prince, and not just any prince, the prince regent, just caught you for stealing something. She remembered how he extended his hand earlier. And how her hands trembled as she gave the pocket watch to him. And in a strike of playfulness, the prince did something that is very unbecoming of his stature. In a swift move, after Rin handed back the watch, the prince pulled her into the carriage (an action which hurt her knee, not that his majesty cared anyway) and ordered her to sit parallel to him and for the carriage to retreat back to the castle.

But since he ordered her to sit down, he never said a word to her. He just sat there and stared out the window, which did absolutely nothing but to unnerve her. After that journey she was lest to the care of the castle maids and brought her in a room that is connected to the prince's chambers, his office. Little did she know that there was another person occupying the room, looking at her in sheer amusement.

The prince had not made his presence known, but he had already entered the room. In fact, he was already there before her. But the poor lass lacked the awareness he was sure she has in spades, being an orphan and all. It had been a long time since he saw her. He could not help but stare at her back as she faced the furnace, sitting on one of his comfortable sofas available near the fire. But alas, it seems that she is too preoccupied in her own thoughts to notice him. Which, in all honesty, disappointed him. It disappointed him so much that he thought of something to make this more amusing her to get her attention. The prince at once made action.

Rin was still staring at the fire at this point. What if the prince asked her to come with him because he knew about the pocket watch? He did not ask it from her... yet? Maybe he brought her here to put her into the dungeon? Is pick pocketing a noble a heinous deed now? Maybe they got word of her ring of orphans? It was not their fault that they wanted to survive? Oh no. What punishment is in store for her? Prison? Death? Or worse? What could be worse than death? Her head was now starting to spin. In the midst of all her internal turmoil, she heard a loud crash colliding towards the window.

She immediately stood up from her seat and looked towards the broken window. Did someone throw something against the window to the prince's office? That is serious trouble. But when she caught sight of the shards, they were scattered on the outside of the room. Meaning, that whoever threw something against the window, it would have come from the inside.

And she was the only one inside.

Her instincts made her want to bolt out of here, she was sure to be in trouble. Did someone want to frame her? Want to make it look like she wanted to hurt the prince? But the prince was not even in the room!

Kagamine OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now