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Rain pelted down on the pavement together with the hurried footsteps of the people who desperately tried to save themselves from the heavy rain. Under a rather wide bus stop, a certain blond sixteen-year-old scrunched his face as a foul-smelling geezer that was pressed against him. He just sighed and adjusted his dark-blue rimmed glasses. Students and workers alike forced themselves to fit under the small shelter while waiting for the bus.

Unfortunately, this was the nearest stop that had busses that passes the shopping district. His mother asked him to buy the ingredients she needed for the Banana Cake Ms. Megurine asked for. The reason, he did not make an effort to know nor did he care.

Len sighed and pushes back his misty glasses as it slipped off again.

After a few minutes that seemed like an eternity, the bus came. Len wanted to sing halleluiah as the smelly man distanced himself from him to get into the bus. He was about to walk toward the bus himself when a peculiar red umbrella flew towards him and hit his head. His glasses flew into an unknown area and he fell butt-first toward the ground. He held his forehead in pain as his vision became a bit blurry.

In his dazed induced state, the bus doors closed. Len realized this and desperately tried to get himself together while successfully catching up to enter with the now closing doors.

He stooped midway as he was about to reach for the door. 'Are you an idiot?', he internally screamed to himself as he watched the bus drive away. He could only sigh at the vehicle as it disappeared to the distance.

Drenched and cold to the bone he glared at the cause of his predicament with blurry eyes. Now only if he could find the owner of the umbrella.

"Daijobu?" He heard someone say to him. He looked up to see a familiar figure. At first he could not make up who was the speaker. But with his years of experience with blurry eyes, he could make up just who the person was. He blushed as he realized who it was. Who could not recognize her anyway.

The speaker was no other than Kagamine Rin, Student Council President, Star Student, School's Madonna, the most famous and talented student in their campus. Again, who could not recognize her. Everyone adored the girl. And he was no exception.

"K-k-k-kagamine-san! H-hai! I'm ok." The blond managed to stutter out. It was a miracle itself that he was able to talk to her in the first place. He was never able talk to her before. Maybe because he was one of the least noticed people in the whole school or because he was too shy to get into a decent conversation with her.

"Kagamine Len was it?" Len could only nod at her question. "Are you alright? My umbrella flew out of my hand before I realized. It must have hurt." A worried expression was etched on her face as she inspected him for injuries. He felt uncomfortable under her calculating gaze.

"A-ano, Kagamine-san, I'm really okay." Rin raised an eyebrow, not believing at what he just said. "No really. See!" Then Len jumped up and did some jumping jacks and punched the air in front of him.

'I look like an idiot! And in front of Kagamine-san! Len you idiot!' He berated himself.

The blond haired girl gave out a small laugh and crouched down in front of the him. Len on the other hand felt flustered. Him being the creative and overly imaginative person he is thought that it was like a scene from a shoujo manga only with their roles reversed.

'I. Am. Not. Gay.' Len silently convinced himself.

Rin, who was still crouching down, picked up his glasses that fell off earlier and placed it on him. "There. Better?" She asked with a smile.

"Very. Arigato, Kagamine-san."

"Your welcome Kagamine-kun." Rin paused for a bit then scratched her cheek and gave out a weak laugh.

"It sounds funny saying that. Do you think I can just call you by your given name. You call me by mine also. It feels weird having to say exactly the same surnames to each other." She says a little embarrassed.

Len was taken back a bit but nodded anyway. "Sure R-Rin-san."

"That's better." She smiled brightly at Len.

Len was awestruck. To him, it seemed like the rain stopped and the sun started to peak over the horizon. Time wasn't an issue to him anymore. In fact, he wanted this moment to pause forever.

"So wanna walk home together. Let's just use my umbrella."


A few days after, Len accompanied Rin to buy another umbrella.

It was a few weeks after that they hung out together during breaks and after class and eventually became close.

Months later Len asked Rin if she could be his girlfriend under the same bus stop where they met. Rin was more than happy to accept.

Years later, Len proposed to Rin and they were married after five months.

Decades after they were sitting on the porch of their red-roofed house, rocking themselves back and forth in their own respective rocking chairs.


It's short, I know! I'm sorry! But, I'm supposed to compose out graduation song and our Academic chair asked me to finish the school paper by the end of this week, which is impossible, I gave up on that but you don't actually need to know that but...


How about another 3000 word chapter? You guys up for it? You can see in the Author's note about the, uhhh... few, details about the next one.

And like I promised, I will be updating Disconnected harmonies by the end of the week, before Easter probably.

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